The Angel Blog

Angel Help For Anxiety

Angel Help For Anxiety

Do you ever suffer with anxiety? Have you ever considered that your anxious feelings may be linked to your intuition and energy? Life is more intense right now than ever before. World events, social media, and other pressures can add an extra load of fear and stress to our lives. I’ve worked with many clients […]

The Healing Power of Archangel Raphael

The Healing Power of Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is the supreme healer of the Angelic Realm, his name means Divine Healer or God Heals. Raphael is THE archangel to call upon whenever you or anyone needs healing physically, emotionally or spiritually. Archangel Raphael will heal you one of 2 ways: 1-?Direct intervention, where he miraculously and someetimes instantly heals the issue. […]

When is a Sign Not A Sign?

When is a Sign Not A Sign?

When waiting for your ship to come in, be careful not to jump on a canoe. Florence Scovel Shinn Have you ever followed a sign and then later realized that you somehow misread it ? I’ve done this too, until I learned how to tell the difference between true and false guidance. Some signs are […]

Is Your Sensitivity Increasing?

Is Your Sensitivity Increasing?

Have you noticed that you’re becoming more sensitive lately? You are not alone!
When I asked this at this week’s masterclass the chat box lit up like Christmas!
Almost everyone agreed that they noticed a recent hike in their sensitivity and empathy!
So why is this happening?

How to Get Your Spiritual Mojo Back

How to Get Your Spiritual Mojo Back

A lightbulb went on for those of you who have been unknowningly absorbing the fear on behalf of others.

If you’ve found life to be hard lately it’s likely that you’re buried under layers of fear energy: from other people, collective consciousness, family, friends, clients, collegues, and everything you see and feel via social media.

When this happens life can feel heavy, stuck and overwhelming.

You become disconnected from the (life-giving) web of cosmic energy that conneects all of us with the Universe, the earth, the animals, nature, the stars, the spiritual realm and each other.
Consequently you stop feeling like YOU!
The answer to getting your spiritual mojo back is to clear the stuck energy.

Anxious, Depressed, Alone?

Anxious, Depressed, Alone?

Do you ever feel vulnerable, anxious, depressed or alone? Please don’t lose hope Archangel Michael is full of power. light and love and can banish these lower energies from your life and guide you to a happier path. I am going to be vulnerable with you today and share a challenge I had recently. I love my […]