This article offers you a simple way to bring more positivity, abundance, and angelic connection into your life through the use of Angel Affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements, made consciously to create positive experiences in our lives and remove...
Listen here or read below. 11 min Do you sense an invisible force stopping you from stepping fully into your purpose and power? Have you felt fear about speaking your spiritual truth, developing your healing and intuitive gifts, raising your prices or going for...
In this article you will learn which Angels, Guides, and Loved ones are with you. You have at least two guardian angels standing beside you right now can you sense them? You may also have one of the major archangels overseeing an important aspect of your life right...
Grab the free PDF Guide to Angels and Archangels their roles, crystals and colours by clicking Here or use the pop up form on this page. Read a Guide to Angels and Archangels Blog below or listen to the Audio mp3 (8.10mins) This is a guide to Angels and Archangels,...
I love to celebrate the December Solstice with an Angelic Ritual. This is a powerful way to connect and create positive energy. There is something special about taking a moment before the Christmas and the end of the year to connect with the energies of Earth &...
In this article, I’ll introduce you to the transformative power of Archangel Zadkiel and the Violet Flame. This spiritually cleansing tool helps clear away negative energy, obstacles, and karma, allowing you to move forward on your divine path with inner peace...
You can read this blog or listen to the audio read by Rachel Scoltock here 5 mins 28 seconds. Have you ever wondered about your past lives and how they impact you today? Do you wonder what you’re here to learn this lifetime? While your body has an expiry date,...
In this article you will learn simple steps to communicate with your angels and build a deeper connection with them. Building a real connection with your Angels truly changes your life for the better, and it may even be life- saving! Learning to talk to your angels...
Did you know that there are specific angels to guide and protect you when Mercury is in Retrograde ? When the planet of communication goes backwards, we’ve come to expect all kinds of mishaps from technological glitches, heightened emotions, miscommunications,...
When it comes to developing your intuition and living a successful, guided life, it’s really common to get blocked and feel like you’re not doing it right. You can get stuck doubting yourself and your intuitive nudges to the point that you squash your...
I love to celebrate the December Solstice! There is something special about taking a moment before the Christmas and the end of the year to connect with the energies of Earth & the Divine. This year it is a much needed opportunity to replenish your physical and...
December 2021 is an astrological moment to pinpoint your desires and make them real – no apologies allowed. The Sagittarius season is all about letting go of what’s no longer working for you and claiming your blank canvas and a new reality.Which makes it a...