This article offers you a simple way to bring more positivity, abundance, and angelic connection into your life through the use of Angel Affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements, made consciously to create positive experiences in our lives and remove...
Do you suspect you have a psychic cord draining your energy? One of the subjects I teach in depth at my Angel Communication Practitioner Program is how to identify and cut negative cords that drain away your life force and lower your vibration. Cord cutting is...
Archangel Raphael is the supreme healer of the Angelic Realm, his name means Divine Healer or God Heals. Raphael is THE archangel to call upon whenever you or anyone needs healing physically, emotionally or spiritually. Archangel Raphael will heal you one of 2 ways:...
Your angel messages for this week come from Archangel Chamuel, (angel of the month of November)and Archangel Michael To join the Archangel Chamuel Divine Chakra Attunement Go here:...
When it comes to developing your intuition and living a successful, guided life, it’s really common to get blocked and feel like you’re not doing it right. You can get stuck doubting yourself and your intuitive nudges to the point that you squash your...
Hey Beautiful Soul, Here we are about to wrap up crazy confusing and transformational 2020 and enter a New Year! (hands up if you love new beginnings too?) As with all endings, before we move on… it’s important to process: understand the lessons, and do...
Welcome to the 10 day Spiritual Connection Challenge, designed to help you raise your vibes and shine your light! Each day I will create a new video giving you a spiritual practice, insight and guidance to help you to make a positive shift in your life. I would love...
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine total peace in your life. Visualise yourself rested, having enough money to pay bills with plenty to spare and share, having space and time to achieve your goals and to spend time with loved ones. Imagine feeling good about...
If you don’t like something change it if you can’t change it, change your attitude. Maya Angelou Hiya Gorgeous! How are you ? I thought I would ask because the energies are in a whirl at the moment, strong waves of healing energy are being magnified by...
Love makes the world go around but it is the loss of love or the effects of a lack of love can seem to stop your world entirely. This is because relationships directly affect the heart, the very centre of your being, without which you would not thrive. Toxic...
In this article you will learn three ways to work with the Archangel realm to heal your life, your finances, your mindset, your relationships, and your well-being. As an Angel Medium and Spiritual teacher I love to offer you angelic tools and resources to help you to...
“It is time to heal Dear One, we are with you especially for this task, we only seek your permission to clear your body and energy of heavy, dark vibrations which pull you down into fear. We can refresh and renew you and return you to your natural state of pure...