How to Heal Your Vows of Poverty

How to Heal Your Vows of Poverty

Read below or listen to the Audio here (6mins-50)   Do you want to shine your light, by creating abundance for yourself in a way that feels authentic, aligned and uses your gifts? Could vows of poverty and deprivation be holding you back financially and from...
How to Protect Your Spiritual Gifts

How to Protect Your Spiritual Gifts

How to protect your Spiritual Gifts Have you noticed that you’re being called to help and heal more people lately? We’re in challenging times. As as an intuitive, empathic soul, you can attract those in need of healing, compassion,and advice. It’s as...
What You Focus on Expands

What You Focus on Expands

I am just back from a long weekend away. The  trip was planned for a long time. I had tickets to a live country music event to see one of my favourite artists . I spent a day walking and swimming in the most spectacular nature. It was just what I needed. When I...