Unlock Your Inner Potential With Psychic Development Classes

Are you curious about psychic development and the incredible journey it entails? Welcome to my world. I am Rachel Scoltock, Angel Medium your trusted guide on this enlightening path of unlocking your innate abilities. I offer psychic development courses and classes.  I invite you to join me on a soul adventure to awaken your soul gifts and uncover your inner knowing.


rachel holding computer and standing smiling

Discover Your Natural Abilities: Unlock the Power Within With Psychic Development Classes

As a professional medium and psychic with more than 2 decades working with spiritual students, I understand that psychic development is a profoundly unique and personal journey. Everyone is different! I have simple yet powerful techniques to help you to open your intuition, tap into psychic senses, and deepen your spiritual connection so you can connect with your guides and angels to discover the messages and guidance waiting for you. I provide safe, fun, expert guidance to unlock your inner potential with valuable tools and insights through my popular psychic development course: Angel Communication Practitioner Program and my monthly Angel Attunement Classes.

Rachel Scoltock in light colours sitting on a house deck

Why Choose my Psychic Development Courses?

Psychic Courses Tailored for You

I design my psychic courses and classes with your unique journey in mind. I have classes for all skill levels, from pure beginners to advanced practitioners. I can guide you whether you’re a complete newbie  or want to enhance your psychic abilities.

I initially joined because I was receiving signs that I didn’t understand. I came to see that my angels wanted to connect with me. Through this program I’ve found a new trust in my intuition and my angels. I’ve finally learned to hear and listen to them and since found myself in a new happier career and excited for my future! Thank you Rachel for your warm and supportive teaching style and for connecting me to my angels!


London, UK

Psychic Development Classes

With my expert support and guidance every step of the way, my Angel Attunement classes are more than just lessons. These are angelic experiences to activate your spiritual senses, raise your consciousness, and connect you with the angelic realm. At each monthly class you will be part a supportive community of spiritual seekers and lightworkers where you can thrive. Sign up individually or commit to the entire year

Here’s some ways to work with me to unlock your psychic abilities:

Introduction to Psychic Development: Dive into the fundamentals and understand your intuitive and psychic potential and how it all works. Tap into your strengths and how to unblock your intuitive channels to be more open to the messages and spiritual beings who are with you. (Psychic development, psychic courses

Angel Mediumship Mastery: Explore the art of connecting with the spirit world and delivering messages with clarity and compassion. (Psychic development classes)

Intuitive Healing and psychic mediumship courses: Learn to harness and trust your intuition to understand and heal yourself and others. (I offer private Reiki Training, Angelic Healing Training, and Personal Mentoring and Healing)

Spiritual Growth: Elevate your spiritual awareness, awaken to true wisdom and deepen your connection with the divine angels who surround you. (Angel Attunements, Angel Communication, Intuitive Development, Private Readings)

Energy Clearing and Protection: I am an expert in energy healing, and protection. Discover techniques to cleanse, heal, and safeguard your energy in today’s busy and sometimes insensitive world. (Read my book, join upcoming classes, sign up for my program)

Psychic Readings: Learn the skills to provide insightful, meaningful psychic readings for yourself and others. You can learn how to give Angel Oracle Card readings or Channeled Readings in the Angel Commuication Practitioner Program Join the Waitlist now

 Join the waitlist for the 2024 Angel Communication Practitioner Program Here:

Fill in your details below or send an email to rachel@rachelscoltock.com

I will add you to the waiting list and send you a direct email when we are about to open the doors.

Unlock Your Potential Today

Imagine a world where your psychic abilities are nurtured and developed to their fullest potential. It’s a world where you can navigate life with trustworthy intuition and embrace the extraordinary guidance that awaits you. Uncover your Divine purpose and start your journey of psychic development and angel connection with Rachel Scoltock.


rachel with a terracotta coloured top holding an aqua mug

Why Choose Rachel Scoltock?

I’m committed to providing high integrity and authentic guidance and support on your psychic journey. With 22 years of professional experience as a teacher, mentor and medium, I have  a deep understanding of your needs, I offer a safe, supportive and unique approach to psychic development through connecting with the angels. My passion is to help you uncover your innate gifts so you can clearly listen to and follow the clear, loving guidance that is there for you. 

Your Journey Starts Here

Are you ready to tap into your innate psychic abilities? Are you excited to walk your spiritual path with confidence and clarity? Would you like to discover your guidance to find and fulfil your purpose?

Join me, Rachel Scoltock, on this incredible voyage of self-discovery. You will find trust in your intuition, become aware of your purpose and path as you discover the extraordinary guidance and transformation that await you.

Book Your Psychic Development Course Today

Don’t wait any longer to embark on this life-changing journey. Sign up for the next psychic development Course or Zoom Class and start your transformation today. A world of amazing possibilities is waiting to be uncovered for you, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to explore your psychic gifts and open to your angels guidance? Contact me now, and let’s begin this incredible journey together.

Here’s How you can Start your Journey of Psychic Development with me:

The How To Hear Your Angels Free Masterclass: Go Here

Monthly Angel Attunement Classes: Go here for the new and upcoming classes to develop your psyhchic sense and intuitive connection

The Angel Communication Practitioner Program doors open soon. To be part of this amazing experience go here

Book a private reading with Rachel here

Find out more about private training, mentoring and healing by getting in touch

I joined because felt lost and not sure of my purpose. The program gave me a new lease on life and I am now clear about what I want to do. I absolutely loved this program. It is a very positive & nurturing environment. The information was spaced out so it was not overwhelming. My card readings are now much more accurate. I learnt how to fully trust my intuition. I also realised how important it is to use energy protection. This all gave me the motivation to move forward with my dreams and start my reiki business.

- Tracey

NSW, Australia