
At Rachel Scoltock I aim to give you a positive, fulfilling, and inspiring experience. I work ethically and with integrity. My intent is to uplift and give a positive experience. I respect you and I will always do my absolute best to give you 100%. I operate with kindness, respect, love, and integrity.

All psychics, mediums, and healers have to offer a disclaimer like the one below. This is for legal and insurance purposes.

Spiritual work, readings, psychic mediumship and energy healing are deemed by law for entertainment purposes only.  All information, advice, and guidance you receive is subject to your own interpretation. What you do as a result of this is your responsibility.

By purchasing a reading or guidance, mentoring, course, class, or healing session you agree to take full responsibility and you acknowledge and agree that any information/guidance provided is general in nature and does not constitute or substitute for legal, business, psychological, financial, or medical advice.

Rachel Scoltock is not responsible for any legal liability for any damages or alleged damages, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions/actions, subsequent to, or based on my Readings, Healing, Mentoring, Teaching, or Guidance Sessions.

Energy healing (including Reiki)is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from licensed and registered healthcare professionals. You should seek professional medical advice before making any health decision.

Rachel Scoltock is not a licensed health care professional, therapist or counsellor, and cannot and will not provide you with any kind of medical care, treatment, or diagnosis in relation to the physical or mental health or wellbeing of your body.

Rachel Scoltock does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, mental, or medical problems either directly or indirectly without the advice of a physician.

Always seek professional advice from the appropriate professionals when you need it. Do not attempt to replace such advice with psychic readings and healings.

The intent of Rachel Scoltock in her readings, healing sessions, events, classes, articles, content, and programs including anything found on this website is only to offer information of a general nature to assist your emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of this information for yourself, which is your right, Rachel Scoltock assumes no responsibility or liability for your decisions and actions.

Should you choose to take part in any programs, courses, meditations, readings , private healing sessions, or retreats you are fully responsible for your actions and decisions before, during and after your purchase and receiving of the goods and services. Refunds are not available once paid for. 

Nor do I assume any legal liability for any damages or alleged damages, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions/actions, subsequent to, or based on my words or any of my work.

Privacy and confidentiality are underpinning principles of my work and business and you can trust that all of your personal data and information will be kept safe and private at all times both during any session and thereafter. Your data is secure and I do not share it with anyone. Anything discussed is confidential.  As my client you will always be treated with the utmost respect, kindness, and integrity.

This is a small business and I am a sole trader, I have to have boundaries around my work and business practices that protect me and my business as well as you and my other clients. 


Terms and Conditions of Working with Rachel Scoltock

If you have any questions, please contact me.

  1. Refunds are not available once a session, reading, product, or class is purchased. I may be able to offer you a credit or replacement if possible and depending on the circumstances. Generally, a business does not have to give a refund or replacement if a customer simply changes their mind about a product. Under the Australian Consumer Law, the customer is only entitled to a refund or replacement for a major problem with a product covered by consumer guarantees.
  2. Please arrive on time for any appointments or classes you are booked in for. Please make sure to claim your reading within 90 days of purchase. If you have booked in to a course or live event the dates will be on the welcome email or the terms and conditions of the specific product.
  3. If for any reason I, Rachel Scoltock has to cancel or delay a session, reading, or class due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances. I will reschedule asap and send you the details via email.
  4. If there are are any situations beyond my control – unforeseen circumstances, including technical issues my end and a Zoom class, webinar, or session starts late or closes unexpectedly please remain online and I will rejoin if possible. If I am unable to rejoin or start the session. I will send you an email as quickly as I can and rearrange the session at an appropriate time.
  5. Rachel Scoltock is not liable or responsible for technical issues or unforeseen circumstances that may delay or disturb a pre arranged session. I will always reschedule and inform you of any changes.
  6. Find a private place for your session-Keep distractions to a minimum so we can focus and you’re not disturbed.
  7. No shows & late arrival to private appointments (10 mins or more) or cancellation within 24 hours will be charged in full. Unclaimed purchases, readings, and bonuses will be treated as no shows unless prior arrangement has been made. 
  8. Please give me notice if you are going to be late or cannot make it. We can always reschedule private appointments when more than 24 hrs notice is given *
  9. Follow up: I’m unable to offer ongoing psychic messages healing, or answer questions emails after a reading or session ends. You can rebook time with me if you would like more information.
  10. Respect: I treat everyone with kindness and respect and I expect the same in return. Rudeness, abuse, and disrespect are unnecessary and I will not tolerate it. I will end our communication if you cannot communicate with respect or respect the terms and conditions.
  11.  Please note that I live and work in Australia which may be in a different timezone from you ( especially if you are located in the UK, Europe and the US where many of my clients are located) , this means I may be up to 17 hours /a calendar day ahead of you and I may be sleeping when you email or message me and I cannot immediately respond.  I will always respond and set up dates at times that are waking business hours for me and if we are meeting on zoom then it will be at a mutually appropriate time
  12. I am not responsible for decisions you make as a result of working with me. You are responsible for your actions, decisions, and interpretations.
  13. I have boundaries around how I work and those boundaries are offered in terms and conditions that are sent to you separately if you choose to do a program or course with me. Please understand and respect them. It is up to you to read and follow these boundaries.
  14. Intellectual property and copyright: Working with me does not give you the right to duplicate, sell, broadcast, share, or publish my content or links from this website or from courses or classes you purchase or join.
  15. My videos, masterclasses, courses, attunements, programs, books, audios, audio meditations, graphics, blog articles, website pages, marketing copy, sales pages, and all written copy are the intellectual property of Rachel Scoltock. You do not have permission to sell, share, duplicate, publish it in part or full. I will pursue legal action if you do.
  16. I will keep your information confidential and private. Nothing discussed in our communications will be shared elsewhere without your permission.