Activate Your Spiritual Vision
With Archangel RaphaelRecording of a Live Zoom Class with Rachel Scoltock Angel Medium
Receive a Deep Angelic Clearing and Activation for Your Intuitive Vision & Light Body
Would you like more intuitive clarity and trust? Do you want to let go of doubts, open your third eye and learn how to safely and consistently see and receive clairvoyant spiritual messages?
Are you looking for a deep cleanse and upgrade to your energy and spiritual gifts?
Intuitive development class and channeled angelic activation & spiritual cleansing session- Video and Audio Stream on Demand
You will connect with the Divine Healer Archangel Raphael to receive a deep energy detox for your light body , third eye, and intuitive channels. Learn practices to open your third eye to see spiritually, upgrade your abilities, and improve manifestation!
During this 120 minute Zoom class you will learn expert practices to safely open your third eye to see angels, spiritual energy, and visualize to manifest. You’ll discover some insights about what it means to intuitively “see” and how to improve your self belief and ability to manifest.
Rachel will guide you through a channeled meditation and energy activation with the Archangel Raphael to release blocks from your third eye and intuitive channels, and awaken your spiritual vision for clearer intuition.
✨🔔 This will also include a deep energy clearing and activation to reset your entire energy.
The world energy has been relentless and heavy with fear recently especially hard on lightworkers, if you are an empath or lightworker you will benefit from this session as the angels lift any heaviness from you, upgrade your energy frequency and add a layer of protection.
You will receive the audio and video recording for lifetime access. You also have the option to watch off or online.
Purchase the Recording – Lifetime access:
You will receive an email with the link to access the recording (includes Full Audio/ Full Video/ Plus the Guided Activation as a separate Audio )
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Price: $97 AUD plus GST for AUS residents.
Why Attend this Angelic Activation?
If you are a Lightworker, sensitive, empath, healer, intuitive soul who wants spiritual tools to upgrade, deepen and strengthen your gifts , energy, and spiritual connection.
If you’ve been feeling weary, blocked, fearful, drained, impacted, and overwhelmed by collective and personal fear and lower energies recently and you’d like some help releasing and healing that energy, so you can maintain your alignment and focus and feel protected as you move forward as a lightworker.
If are sensitive, intuitively aware and you need extra energetic and spiritual support, cleansing, and protection this class is for you
This is a Special Opportunity: to experience a transformational psychic development class that will elevate your spiritual energy and bring healing, insights, and tools that will benefit you and your purpose moving forward.
Don’t worry if you cannot attend live, the replay is just as powerful. You’ll have lifetime access to the high vibrational recording allowing you to revisit this powerful attunement whenever you need to reinforce the energies.
What’s included:
- Release Blocks: Connect with the Archangel Raphael the angel of clairvoyance and healing to identify and release blocks and fears that obstruct and close down your natural intuitive vision.
- Learn New Techniques– Discover a simple third eye practice that you can use to open your spiritual vision with the angels.
- Activate, Open, and Protect Your Spiritual Vision: I am all about safe spiritual practices! Understand how to prevent your psychic energy from being depleted or impacted by negativity and fear.
- Radically Shift Your Manifesting Abilities: Learn how to magnetise your highest good through your intuitive centre of vision, work with energy to overcome worries and problems, activating this spiritual centre can create a radical change in your manifestation power so you can get back into flow!
- Channeled Guided Healing: It’s been relentlessly hard lately on Lightworkers– we are going to lift all the dark, fear based energies that have been showering down on you. Deeply connect with Archangel Raphael on a powerful angelic soul journey to his temple of healing to cleanse and purify your third eye, heal your body, and activate your spiritual vision so you can open to clairvoyant messages.
- Lifetime access to the recording is included when you register.
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Once you’ve paid an email will land in your inbox with the joining instructions. Check spam and contact us if you cannot find it.Refunds are not available. Terms and conditions apply.
Rachel Scoltock is a renowned angel medium, energy channel, spiritual teacher and author with over 2 decades of professional experience.
Passionate about guiding lightworkers on their spiritual journey, Rachel stands out as a beacon of authenticity in a world saturated with spiritual noise. Rachel is dedicated to helping lightworkers to find their full potential, discover their purpose by working with the angels and their energy..
Rachel’s personal journey and profound experiences with the angelic realm maker her a sought after guide for those seeking genuine spiritual enlightenment
Read the Reviews:
Rachel is the “real deal” when it comes to channeling the angels and sharing spiritual knowledge. I always judge a spiritual teacher by the way I feel during and after being in their presence. Rachel provides the angel experiences that not only wow you in the moment, but also make a positive healing difference to your life. I can’t recommend her work enough. Thank you for providing these monthly angel interactions.