Listen here or read below. 11 min Do you sense an invisible force stopping you from stepping fully into your purpose and power? Have you felt fear about speaking your spiritual truth, developing your healing and intuitive gifts, raising your prices or going for...
In this article you will learn the 7 steps to co-create an amazing year with your angels. This will ensure that you manifest the outcomes you want and you don’t waste time and energy trying to do it all by yourself. Trying to figure out HOW to achieve your goals...
Archangel Raphael is the supreme healer of the Angelic Realm, his name means Divine Healer or God Heals. Raphael is THE archangel to call upon whenever you or anyone needs healing physically, emotionally or spiritually. Archangel Raphael will heal you one of 2 ways:...
When it comes to developing your intuition and living a successful, guided life, it’s really common to get blocked and feel like you’re not doing it right. You can get stuck doubting yourself and your intuitive nudges to the point that you squash your...
Today I want to talk to you about a powerful Archangel Michael Healing Technique that can help you to rapidly move forward with your life. We all have baggage: Painful experiences, relationships and challenges which have impacted us in some way. Those experiences only...
Ways to work with me: Book a private reading with me here Book in for the Past Lives guided Meditation & Healing with Archangel Raziel here Ask me about the upcoming Awaken Your Soul Gifts Program Access my Free Angel Library for an angelic Clearing Meditation...
Have you ever had angel guidance that took you so far out of your comfort zone you wanted to slam on the brakes? Deep down you know that following this guidance will bring about an answered prayer, but secretly you think: “Nope, it’s okay angels, I changed...
Have you felt unsettled recently? A sense of not being able to focus, feeling negative energy dragging you backwards, or simply uneasy?? Today I meditated on the beach and immediately felt a strong presence of 2 figures who told me they were Arcturians and were here...
Dear friend, I am sending you oodles of Divine Love and Support. Isn’t it amazing how much can change in a week? The headlines, the cancellations, the “what if”s” are exhausting and it feels unreal at times. My Angels are asking that we shift...
Do you ever feel intuitively blocked, as if there is a barrier over your third eye and you can’t sense or see your angels or their guidance? It’s as if suddenly a thick curtain draws across your spiritual senses and no matter how you try you...
This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that.” Rumi You have a Divine Sorcerer or Sorceress within which means that you are capable of connecting to the Divine SOURCE to command and channel Divine energy...
Do you feel hurt by the judgments and criticisms of others? Whether you are hurt by the remarks of a mean stranger online or reeling from an upsetting argument with a loved one, those emotional daggers can have a long term effect on your perception of yourself if you...