Angel messages, Empathy, Life purpose, Protection, Spiritual Awakening
Listen to the article or read below (8 minutes) How often should you protect your energy? In this article you will learn when to protect your energy and discover a simple visualization that you can use daily. I am asked this question often and I understand why:...
Angel messages, Guidance, Protection, Spiritual Awakening
Do you ever feel as if something or someone is holding you back? Maybe you keep hitting frustrating obstacles over and over again? Perhaps you feel that you should be further along financially, career-wise, or in relationships? Or you just get a sense that...
Angels, Awakening, Clairvoyance, Life purpose, Protection, Psychic
How to Increase and protect your psychic energy. Listen to this blog 9.36 minutes One of my goals as a spiritual teacher is to empower you to discover your own intuitive abilities and learn how to work with powerful positive energy of the angels so you can receive...
Angel messages, Protection
Your angels are always sending you messages through your 5 intuitive senses. The longer you miss or ignore these messages, then the louder and more urgent they get. If you’re empathic or even slightly energy sensitive then your bodily and emotional feelings are a...
Angel messages, Angel Signs, Angels, Animal Spirit Guides, Archangel Michael, Archangels, Australia, Awakening, Believe in yourself, Bullying, Business, Change, Change your life, Clairvoyance, Clearing Energy, Confidence, Connecting to Angels, Course, Create, Dalai Lama, Decisions, Dreams Come True, Eclipse, Empathy, Energy Clearing, Energy Shifts, Energy Therapy, Energy Thief, Energy Thieves, Experiences, Fear, Finding Peace, Gratitude, Guidance, healing, Indigenous Culture, Letting Go, Life purpose, Lightworker, Loneliness, Love, Manifest, Meditation, Medium, Mediumship, Money, New thought, New Year, Over Giving, Peace, Planetary Transitions, Problem solving, Prosperity, Protect Yourself, Protection, Psychic, Psychic readings, Rachel Scoltock, Readings, Romance, Seeing angels, Self Care, Sensitivity, Shift, Single, Small Business, Spiritual Awakening, Spirituality, Therapy, Though, Thoughts, Transformation, Travel, Uluru, Uncategorized, Video Reading, Writing
When it comes to developing your intuition and living a successful, guided life, it’s really common to get blocked and feel like you’re not doing it right. You can get stuck doubting yourself and your intuitive nudges to the point that you squash your...
Protect Yourself, Protection, Video Reading
Energy Clearing, Energy Thieves, Protect Yourself, Protection, Psychic
I was distractedly scrolling on Facebook, when I noticed a friend was being trolled. I am protective of people I care about.(I was tired and my defenses were down) So I typed a mild “stop bullying” message, ignoring the niggle that I should scroll on by....
Clearing Energy, Protection, Spirituality
Did you know that smudging with sage can heal, protect and cleanse you and the spaces you live and work in? The native words for sage actually mean to spiritually heal which explains its power. Smoking or smudging is an ancient Indigenous tradition which has been used...
Empathy, Energy Clearing, Energy Therapy, Fear, Finding Peace, Protection
Are you affected by world news and conflict? Do you sometimes feel as if you are carrying the weight of the world within you? Do you find it difficult to let go of the suffering, anger and pain that you feel within yourself and others? I know how it is to feel...
Angel, Angel messages, Angels, Archangel Michael, Archangels, Australia, Energy Clearing, Energy Shifts, Finding Peace, Guidance, healing, Life purpose, Money, Protection, Seeing angels, Self Care
In this article you will learn three ways to work with the Archangel realm to heal your life, your finances, your mindset, your relationships, and your well-being. As an Angel Medium and Spiritual teacher I love to offer you angelic tools and resources to help you to...
Angel, Angels, Archangel Michael, Archangels, Australia, Bullying, Business, Change, Change your life, Clairvoyance, Confidence, Connecting to Angels, Course, Create, Dalai Lama, Decisions, Dreams Come True, Eclipse, Empathy, Energy Shifts, Energy Thief, Energy Thieves, Experiences, Fear, Finding Peace, Guidance, healing, Indigenous Culture, Letting Go, Life purpose, Love, Manifest, Meditation, Medium, Mediumship, Money, New thought, New Year, Over Giving, Peace, Planetary Transitions, Problem solving, Protection, Psychic, Psychic readings, Rachel Scoltock, Readings, Romance, Seeing angels, Self Care, Single, Small Business, Spiritual Awakening, Spirituality, Therapy, Though, Thoughts, Travel, Uluru, Uncategorized, Writing
Here is this week’s Angel Reading for the week ahead 26th-June til the 3rd July 2017.Do you need guidance, healing and insight? Do you feel stuck as if your wheels are spinning in mud? Rachel tunes into the angels for this reading with the intention of bringing...
Angel, Angels, Archangel Michael, Archangels, Australia, Bullying, Business, Change, Change your life, Clairvoyance, Confidence, Connecting to Angels, Course, Create, Dalai Lama, Decisions, Dreams Come True, Eclipse, Empathy, Energy Shifts, Energy Thief, Energy Thieves, Experiences, Fear, Finding Peace, Guidance, healing, Indigenous Culture, Letting Go, Life purpose, Love, Manifest, Meditation, Medium, Mediumship, Money, New thought, New Year, Over Giving, Peace, Planetary Transitions, Problem solving, Protection, Psychic, Psychic readings, Rachel Scoltock, Readings, Romance, Seeing angels, Self Care, Single, Small Business, Spiritual Awakening, Spirituality, Therapy, Though, Thoughts, Travel, Uluru, Uncategorized, Writing
Here is this week’s angel reading for the week starting 19th June 2017 The angels broach the subject of your inner happiness and finding your purpose this week. I loved bringing this reading through for you. Love and blessings for a great week ahead Love Rachel...