Getting in the Guidance Zone

Getting in the Guidance Zone

What if you could get some definitive guidance for your life right now? Something that would really shift you into a more confident, secure, and happy place? Would you accept it? In this article I will take you through a simple process to get you in the guidance zone...
Which Lightworker Stage Are You In?

Which Lightworker Stage Are You In?

When you are on a spiritual path, you can sometimes wonder where it is leading. But as you advance on the path, everything starts to make sense. Living a soul guided life doesn’t happen overnight, it happens in stages and at each stage, you are being prepared...
Does Your Sensitivity Control You?

Does Your Sensitivity Control You?

How to stop being so impacted by negative energies & fears. One of the biggest lessons I learned from my angels was that my sensitivity was the key to my gifts: my ability to intuit, heal, channel and communicate with angels. When I listened to what my sensitivity...
Life is Happening For You, Not To You.

Life is Happening For You, Not To You.

Life is happening for you, not to you. When I first heard that statement I wasn’t so sure I believed it. I was in a destructive relationship, I felt musunderstood by my loved ones and very lost. I couldn’t figure out my purpose and I seemed to jump from...