How I Took My Business From Struggling to Success

Life purpose, Lightworker

Not long after I started my angel business 20 years ago, my husband left, taking ALL the furniture & money.

I wasn’t yet a full citizen of Australia so there wasn’t any financial help available. I had no savings and no regular income..

All I had was my brand new business, a healing table, my angel cards, a computer and printer.

I went into deep fear and grief at first.

How would I eat? Pay rent? Feed my animals?😱

Amid my devastation, I wondered briefly if I should give up, or maybe get a “real” job? UGH

Was this horrid experience a sign?

But deep in my soul I knew this work was my life’s purpose. I knew I could succeed, I only needed take back my power!

Until then I had been doing okay, gradually building my client base amid a crumbling relationship.

But clients came in more as a dribble than the flow that I had envisioned!

I did a deep dive into finding out what was blocking me. I couldn’t keep going like this, I knew I had somethign amazing to share.

Then I had clarity. I realized that FEAR was lurking under the surface and sabotaging my efforts.

Here is what I learned…

😬I longed for more clients to serve but I constantly underplayed my services and gifts because I was scared to be seen and therefore judged.

😬My terror of criticism was topped by a greater fear of being persecuted or humiliated for my spiritual beleifs and practices. I had dramatic nightmares about people coming to arrest me with pitchforks! (hello past life witch hunts!)

😬Stepping into the spotlight as an entrepreneur brought up a yukky fear that I wasn’t good enough. Who did I think I was? Even with all my experience and high quality training it didn’t seem to matter.

I was comparing myself to well known spiritual healers and mediums and feeling powerless and completely inadequate

😬When I did get a client I felt GUILTY about charging money, often over-delivering and at the last moment discounting in a wave of misplaced generosity, flicking off their protests. Then spending hours in hot-faced regret while I wondered how to pay the rent.

NO WONDER I wasn’t attracting what I needed. I was practically invisible!

I was getting no where and wasting energy.

So, I had to face  and deal with these crappy fears pronto otherwise I’d starve or worse…I’d have to give up on my dream.

As I released each of these blocks energetically and shifted my mindset ,clients , income and opportunities began to flow to me, I stopped holding myself back and fearing persecution and judgment.

Oh my gosh the relief was incredible. I was finally doing what I was put on this earth to do!

Does this resonate with you?

Imposter Syndrome, Fear of Persecution, Poverty Mindset and crippling Self Doubt are common blocks that rise up when lightworkers are stepping into their light.

We’ve all had past and present life experiences that we carry within us which feed these fears. But the fear keeps you small, invisible and recycling old painful experiences and thoughts.

Your soul is ready to release the fear, because it’s purpose is to help you to gain wisdom and strength as you fulfil your life purpose.

I want to help you to release these blocks for GOOD, and experience, success, flow  of opportunity and a sense of peace as you embrace your purpose.

Once you start clearing these blocks you find clarity , power and confidence to do what you were born to do!

I am presenting a special workshop to release the Lightworker blocks and align you with your purpose. The Lightworker Activation is the perfect event for clearing these lightworker fears and understanding the lesson behind them. You can book in for the September Archangel Activation for your Purpose right now for the early bird price of $57 AUD book here

You can also sign up to join my upcoming Angel Communication Program  to develop your psychic gifts, strengthen your connection to the angels and build and develop your career as a lightworker. Contact me for more infromation

Angel Blessings

Rachel Scoltock

Angel Medium, Author, Spiritual Teacher


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