Do You Dream of Starting a Spiritual Business?

Life purpose, Lightworker, Small Business

Do you dream of starting a successful spiritually based business?

I want you to know that it is 100 percent possible to bring your dream to reality.

Maybe you’ve thought about it for a while but you worry: What if  it doesn’t work out? What if friends and family laugh or get mad at me? Is it the right time? Will I manage financially?

There is a saying that goes: The bigger the purpose, the bigger the fear and it’s 100% true.

Many healers, teachers, authors, and intuitives know they’re here for a Higher purpose to work with Spirit to serve others but they feel blocked by fear and self doubt.

They don’t trust their inner guidance.

They wonder “Who am I to put myself out there?” They lack confidence in themselves and their dreams.

This means that they hold themselves back for a long time, putting off their dreams for “one more year” and staying in intolerable situations.

When Carolyn joined my Awaken Your Soul Gifts program a little over 12 months ago she was in that exact situation. Here is what Carolyn had to say:

 I was at a difficult time in my life when I found Awaken Your Soul Gifts

I was working 60+ hour weeks in a highly toxic environment. I was physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually drained. I really don’t know how I survived as long as I did.

Rachels’ course Awaken your Soul Gifts immediately felt right for me, I knew that I needed this. I was blown away by Rachels connectedness, knowledge and expertise, I felt safe and in good hands.

The program catapulted me in to starting my own healing business within weeks of completing!  Carolyn  (Cee Jae)

Yes! Carolyn resigned from that toxic job and set up her own amazing healing practice which she runs on her terms. She’s an incredible healer and has helped a lot of people.

So how do you know that your inner guidance to step into a spiritually centred career is real?

Here are some signs that you are ready to start a spiritual business :

1- You’ve been thinking about starting a business for a long time-the (guidance) keeps coming back but you push it away because you’re afraid.

2- You could study, read & speak about spirituality, healing, intuition and angels all day long.  It’s part of who you are!

3- You have a healing aura- people and animals in need are attracted to you. When your friends are in trouble you instinctively know just what to say or do to help them out.

4- You’re intuitive and empathic and tuned in to energy, emotion and the higher realms of angels and guides but sometimes you worry if your guidance is real.

5 -You know deep downthat you are here to make a difference in the world. You want to bring more love to balance out the fear and hate.

6-You’ve had visions & day dreams of yourself inspiring others through your work: teaching, speaking, healing, writing, creating or passing on messages of love.

6-Other people have told you that you are a healer, intuitive, psychic, writer, artist, teacher or coach. You want to reach more people through what you do!

7-You can think of nothing better than spending your days doing what you LOVE. The idea excites you and scares you in equal measures.

So many beautiful, brilliant souls like Carolyn join Awaken Your Soul Gifts feeling lost, drained, confused and in need of clear guidance, and they emerge with clarity, confidence in their gifts and certainty about their next steps.

The guidance, healing and training in the program inspired some to start their own spiritually centered careers as healers, therapists, authors, artists, writing mentors, psychics, angel mediums,  coaches, yoga teachers and other leaders.

They all left behind stuckness and soul sucking situations and are now making a difference in the world, doing what they love and being paid for it!

Do you want to turn your dream into reality by opening to trust your intuitive gifts and receiving the guidance you need ? Awaken Your Soul Gifts 2022  is now open for enrolment.

Here is the link to the page describing the program. Or you can contact me to have a chat to see if it is right for you and your dream!

PS many people attend Awaken Your Soul Gifts for their own personal spiritual growth and to find out their guidance on other life areas. It’s highly beneficial for both intentions.

Angel Blessings Rachel Scoltock

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