Awakening, Empathy, Energy Clearing
The Empath’s prayer: a highly effective energy protection technique for healers, lightworkers, and any one who is a sensitive giver! Would you like a way to give without being drained and help and heal others without taking on their pain? The empath’s...
Angel messages, Empathy, Life purpose, Protection, Spiritual Awakening
Listen to the article or read below (8 minutes) How often should you protect your energy? In this article you will learn when to protect your energy and discover a simple visualization that you can use daily. I am asked this question often and I understand why:...
Angel messages, Angel Signs, Angels, Animal Spirit Guides, Archangel Michael, Archangels, Australia, Awakening, Believe in yourself, Bullying, Business, Change, Change your life, Clairvoyance, Clearing Energy, Confidence, Connecting to Angels, Course, Create, Dalai Lama, Decisions, Dreams Come True, Eclipse, Empathy, Energy Clearing, Energy Shifts, Energy Therapy, Energy Thief, Energy Thieves, Experiences, Fear, Finding Peace, Gratitude, Guidance, healing, Indigenous Culture, Letting Go, Life purpose, Lightworker, Loneliness, Love, Manifest, Meditation, Medium, Mediumship, Money, New thought, New Year, Over Giving, Peace, Planetary Transitions, Problem solving, Prosperity, Protect Yourself, Protection, Psychic, Psychic readings, Rachel Scoltock, Readings, Romance, Seeing angels, Self Care, Sensitivity, Shift, Single, Small Business, Spiritual Awakening, Spirituality, Therapy, Though, Thoughts, Transformation, Travel, Uluru, Uncategorized, Video Reading, Writing
When it comes to developing your intuition and living a successful, guided life, it’s really common to get blocked and feel like you’re not doing it right. You can get stuck doubting yourself and your intuitive nudges to the point that you squash your...
Bullying, Business, Change your life, Empathy, Energy Thieves
I’ve found that many people who are attracted to my work are super sensory empaths, who sense their intuition, sensitivity and compassion have a meaningful purpose. They do! The problem is that empaths have a tendency to soak up (and put up with) high levels of...
Animal Spirit Guides, Awakening, Empathy, Energy Clearing, Energy Shifts, Sensitivity
If you are a sensitive, empath like me, then you know what it is to feel everything deeply. I treasure my sensitivity, it’s the key to my psychic and healing gifts, it’s my inner guide. But it wasn’t always that way. In years gone by I hid my...
Awakening, Empathy, Energy Clearing, Energy Therapy, Over Giving
Is Your Superpower Empathic Giving? Are you a naturally kind and loving person, empathic, generous with a big dose of deep compassion and intuition? Empathic givers are much needed in this world, but you need to learn good energy skills so you don’t burn out...
Empathy, Uncategorized, Video Reading
Do you feel sometimes drained or overwhelmed by negative or dark energy? Learn how to stop giving your energy away! Link to my free Group here: Empath Soul Tribe Watch the Monday Angel Message and an Energy Cleanse and reset for 11/11/2019 here:...
Change your life, Clearing Energy, Empathy
Do you over-give and find yourself drained, exhausted and run down? So many empathic, loving people just forget that they have to recharge their own energy or seriously under estimate how much energy they need to keep themselves healthy. This can lead to burnout....
Empathy, Energy Clearing, Energy Therapy, Fear, Finding Peace, Protection
Are you affected by world news and conflict? Do you sometimes feel as if you are carrying the weight of the world within you? Do you find it difficult to let go of the suffering, anger and pain that you feel within yourself and others? I know how it is to feel...
Archangel Michael, Empathy, Energy Clearing, Energy Shifts, Energy Therapy, Finding Peace, healing, Letting Go
“It is time to heal Dear One, we are with you especially for this task, we only seek your permission to clear your body and energy of heavy, dark vibrations which pull you down into fear. We can refresh and renew you and return you to your natural state of pure...
Angel, Angels, Archangel Michael, Archangels, Australia, Bullying, Business, Change, Change your life, Clairvoyance, Confidence, Connecting to Angels, Course, Create, Dalai Lama, Decisions, Dreams Come True, Eclipse, Empathy, Energy Shifts, Energy Thief, Energy Thieves, Experiences, Fear, Finding Peace, Guidance, healing, Indigenous Culture, Letting Go, Life purpose, Love, Manifest, Meditation, Medium, Mediumship, Money, New thought, New Year, Over Giving, Peace, Planetary Transitions, Problem solving, Protection, Psychic, Psychic readings, Rachel Scoltock, Readings, Romance, Seeing angels, Self Care, Single, Small Business, Spiritual Awakening, Spirituality, Therapy, Though, Thoughts, Travel, Uluru, Uncategorized, Writing
Here is this week’s Angel Reading for the week ahead 26th-June til the 3rd July 2017.Do you need guidance, healing and insight? Do you feel stuck as if your wheels are spinning in mud? Rachel tunes into the angels for this reading with the intention of bringing...
Angel, Angels, Archangel Michael, Archangels, Australia, Bullying, Business, Change, Change your life, Clairvoyance, Confidence, Connecting to Angels, Course, Create, Dalai Lama, Decisions, Dreams Come True, Eclipse, Empathy, Energy Shifts, Energy Thief, Energy Thieves, Experiences, Fear, Finding Peace, Guidance, healing, Indigenous Culture, Letting Go, Life purpose, Love, Manifest, Meditation, Medium, Mediumship, Money, New thought, New Year, Over Giving, Peace, Planetary Transitions, Problem solving, Protection, Psychic, Psychic readings, Rachel Scoltock, Readings, Romance, Seeing angels, Self Care, Single, Small Business, Spiritual Awakening, Spirituality, Therapy, Though, Thoughts, Travel, Uluru, Uncategorized, Writing
Here is this week’s angel reading for the week starting 19th June 2017 The angels broach the subject of your inner happiness and finding your purpose this week. I loved bringing this reading through for you. Love and blessings for a great week ahead Love Rachel...