How To Hear Your Angels Masterclass

Learn how to Receive and Understand  Signs and Messages from Your Angels

Are you curious about the messages your angels have for you?

  • Do you see angel numbers and other signs from the angels but you’re confused what these signs mean for YOU?
  • Do you feel stuck in your life, in need of real guidance, so that you can find the right direction?
  • Do you wonder if the signs and messages you’re receiving are REALLY angels or  just your imagination?
  • Would you like to learn how to hear your messages and trust them so you can make healthy changes to your life?

You are in the right place!

In this free online How to Hear your Angels masterclass you’ll learn how to understand the personal meaning of the signs and messages you receive from the angels.

Discover how to know it’s Divine guidance and when it’s your imagination or ego. 

I’ll share the angel’s guidance about how to make your own Divinely guided changes, how to remove blocks to receiving messages, and get louder, clearer messages.


While you were doing the clearing, my hands were warm and tingled, I could see the purple light surrounding my energy, felt a lot of peace after cutting the toxic cords.

You are Amazing and a Blessing to all of us.


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Would you like to know how to communicate with your angels, hear and see their presence and understand your next steps? This is the class you need!

A 90 minute Video Class with Leading Angel Medium Rachel Scoltock

Here is what you’ll learn in this Must-See FREE class:

Masterclass insight #1

How Angels Talk To You:

The angels are speaking to you in multiple ways, but you could be overlooking, and ignoring these messages.  Learn how the angels communicate with you so you’ll never miss a message again!

Masterclass insight #2

How to Let Go of Fear

Over my years of teaching I’ve discovered some common fears about hearing angels. These fears act as barriers to receiving your angels messages and making positive changes. 

Masterclass Insight #3

Make Divinely Guided Changes

Are you feeling stuck in some area of your life? Are you looking for some direction right now to make life better? Your angels have answers and instructions to help you get unstuck.

Are You Feeling Uncertain about Making Changes?

I’m Rachel Scoltock Angel Medium, I’ve spent half my life communicating with angels, sharing their messages and healing, and teaching others to do the same!

Right now we are in a time of intense change on the planet, both personally and globally. This can be daunting and you may worry about the future and wonder if you’re on the right path. You are not alone. Your angels have guidance to show you the right path and support you through these shifts.

Come and learn the steps to hearing your angels messages about your changes in this free class.  Rachel Scoltock – Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Author


Do you dream of sharing the angels guidance with others as a career?

Become a Certified Angel Communication Practitioner! Start or grow your spiritual business with this popular modality. Open your clairvoyance- Learn how to channel the angels, bring through their messages of love and healing for yourself and others, learn expert techniques to read angel oracle cards, heal with the angels and build a successful spiritual practice. Allow the angels to guide you to your purpose so you can share your light with the world!

Get in touch to book a chat with Rachel about this program Starting soon