Anxious, Depressed, Alone?

Archangel Michael

Do you ever feel vulnerable, anxious, depressed or alone?

Please don’t lose hope

Archangel Michael is full of power. light and love and can banish these lower energies from your life and guide you to a happier path.

I am going to be vulnerable with you today and share a challenge I had recently.

I love my business, it’s a privilege to do this work as a teacher and angel channel.

But…suffice to say it’s not always love and light!

I had day where everything got too much.  A contractor let me down. I was working way too many hours and forgetting my self care. I had a run of clients ignoring and over-riding my boundaries.

I broke down after receiving a mean-spirited email. It was the proverbial straw.

I just felt terrible, as if I was failing. I felt anxious and completely alone

How could I be working so hard yet everything feel like it was going wrong?

After a good cry. I immediately called on Archangel Michael for his protection and guidance.

Archangel Michael is a powerful force against the negativity in the world, he can protect you in a crisis and give you the courage to face any challenges.

It doesn’t take much to invoke his assistance: just call his name and tell him what you need. I’ve included some special invocations below.

It wasn’t long before I felt the warmth indicating Archangel Michael’s presence.

I cloaked myself in his blue light and poured my heart out to him.

Within a few minutes I had a strong thought to contact a coach I’d worked with before. When I opened my inbox, her newsletter had just arrived.  So I took it as a validation and booked an appointment.

After an enlightening session- I had a plan and I could see how some situations I’d been carrying were negatively impacting me!

I could see that I am not failing at all, I only needed a course correction and the insight and courage to make some changes.

Everything has improved and will continue to do so. I’ve learned the lesson that this was trying to teach me.

This whole situation is a reminder of how negative energy and weak boundaries can take us off track ….and how Archangel Michael and our earthly-angels can steer us back to joy, wisdom and right alignment.

After that heartfelt invocation, Archangel Michael’s presence has shown up in some really unusual ways:

I keep seeing royal blue cars everywhere, many of them with 1144 registration plates.
I’ve had a dozen loving, supportive emails from clients past and present out of the “blue” (pun intended)
I was even sent a child’s drawing of an angel saying “I love you”.
I just this minute opened a parcel to a bright blue poncho from my Mum!  (I have my Archangel Michael cape now, for real!)

Is it time for you to call on Archangel Michael’s power, presence and protection?

Go here to learn more about Archangel Michael and download a free Invocation PDF

Angel Blessings Rachel Scoltock

Want to learn more about working with Angels including Archangel Michael ?

Here are a few steps you can take:

Join my Monthly Archangel Attunement Events- every month we work with different Archangels for healing and guidance.

Read my Book -My Life with Angels available on Amazon

Sign up to my program to learn how to communicate with angels and bring their healing and guidance into your life.

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