How to Manifest Anything

Manifest, Spiritual Awakening

I am asked all the time. “How do I manifest XYX?”

Manifesting anything is a simple step by step process.

When we imprint clear, repeated thoughts and emotions onto the Universe, they return to us as matching experiences, objects, and situations.

But we forget, make it complicated and even block the process with over thinking, impatience, self doubt, and being overly-attached.

You can get your manifesting mojo back and practice conscious manifesting by visualizing something simple and light-hearted and asking for it to show up.

Recently, for fun, I asked the Universe to send me a pink elephant.

I visualized a bright pink elephant in my mind’s eye and said the words “Universe, angels, please bring me a pink elephant”

I repeated this process a couple of times a day with a sense of excitement.

I was really careful not to dictate how, where or when the elephant should show up.

I just asked and stayed positive.

How your prayers and requests show up is completely up to the Divine, they rarely arrive in the way that you expect them to.

Your only role is to ask repeatedly and be ready to take inspired action when it arises.

3 days later my pink elephant turned up!

That morning I felt inspired to take my laptop and work at a local cafe.  On the way I walked by a cute gift shop that sells crystals and homewares. Front and centre of their window display was a very unusual pink-felt elephant.

It was so pretty and quirky. (I wish I’d bought it now!)🐘🐘

I actually laughed aloud, and said thank you Universe!

I had ZERO expectations about HOW the elephant was going to show up, or what form it would take, because I’ve learned to let the Universe and my angels surprise me.

When we are too attached ot the how, what, where, and when, we block ourselves from the creative, genius of the Divine.

It pays to remember that we can’t use manifesting to control or harm anyone either. If you try you’ll be frustrated and potentially create some icky karma for yourself.

Practicing the manifesting exercise will boost your confidence in yourself and the Universe when you to see how easy it is.

Hint: Manifesting works best when it’s light-hearted and fun, try not to force it.

By practicing on objects that aren’t emotionally loaded, we are able to detach from the outcome and strengthen our manifesting muscles!

Then we can use the very same principles and attitude to focus on experiences, objects and situations that we really want and need!

Here are the steps:

Decide on what you want

Visualize it


Stay Detached from the how

Take Inspired Action as it arises

Receive and Say Thank you

Now it’s your turn- What are you going to manifest?

There are 3 important details to remember-

1- Make it fun and light. Don’t ask for something that weighs heavy

2-Request something unusual rather than an object you’re likely to see. Suggestions: A huge red tomato, a blue rhino, a pink bouncy ball, a white horse.

For instance I wouldn’t ask for a Christmas tree right now in Australia they’re everywhere.

3- Be Clear. A pink elephant for me was easy to visualize. The manifested outcome was not exactly the same. But the Universe understood the assignment!  Allow the Universe to be creative about how your request is delivered.

Let me know what shows up in the comments below!

Then rinse and repeat!

Happy Manifesting

Angel Blessings

Rachel Scoltock x

Angel Medium, Spiritual teacher, Author

Want to learn more?

Read this article about Manifesting Abundance with the Angels

Learn to use the Violet Flame to release blocks and manifest your intentions at the Archangel Zadkiel Violet Flame attuement. Link here


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