4 Amazing Angel Prayers You Need Right Now

Angel, Change your life, Life purpose

Do you want your angels to help you to make changes to your life?

Today I want to share 4 angel prayers that will help you to inspire the guidance steps to bring about the positive change and healing that you need right now!

Everyone has angels, celestial guides, who protect, heal, and guide you. They do their best to keep you on track by sending you signs and whispering guidance. That guidance can be subtle and easy to miss sometimes but here is how you can elevate their guidance to the next level!

Have you heard of the Spiritual law of Free Will ? This means your angels can only intervene and guide you, if you sincerely ask for their help. Prayer is the most powerful way to connect with your angels and guarantee their assistance, it gives them full permission to intervene so they  help you to make any big and small changes in your life.

Here’s the kicker: If you don’t follow their guidance and take action steps, nothing changes. Why? Your angelic team are co- creators and they’re not allowed to take your power away!

However, they can guide you in the right direction and set up opportunities and synchronicities, even miracles, if you pray and ask for their assistance!

Many people do not ask for help because they simply do not have the words! To help you with this, I have put together 4 prayers that you can adapt to your own situation to help you to ask the angels for help!

Remember you can use your own words, stay grateful, humble and respectful and only ask for loving and healthy requests!

Here are 4 Angel Prayers to Activate Change:

1-A Prayer to Archangel Michael to Release your Fears

The angels tell me that so much negativity comes from guilt, unfulfilled dreams, and the frustration of staying in unhealthy and painful limiting circumstances. It’s so important to release our fears, the guilt and negative emotions so that we can move forward and find more peace and happiness.

Fear can sabotage you when it comes to making positive changes. When the option to make a positive change shows up, you can become more focused on what you’ll lose or what might go wrong, rather than the reasons you want and need the change!

This sends you running back to your comfort zone to procrastinate a while longer!

Archangel Michael will help you to release your fears if you ask him to. The energy from your fears is like strong, sticky cobwebs that have the power to keep you stuck for years!

Here’s an angel prayer to invite his powerful healing.

“Dear Archangel Michael thank you for helping me to release the fears which are holding me back. I now give you full permission to use your sword of transmutation to sever all the cords, webs and shackles that are attaching me to fear and worst case scenarios! I am willing to choose to follow my Higher self’s guidance over my ego’s resistance. Amen”

2- Angel Prayer to Archangels Uriel and Michael to Decide what you really want.

Most people will complain about where they are, but they stay stuck because they believe they don’t know what they want instead.

This is usually due to a buried belief that they can’t have what they really want.

I’m certainly guilty of that. I wanted to leave the town where I previously lived for over 5 years but I couldn’t decide where I wanted to go.

I remained stuck until I saw how badly my fear was sabotaging me with this endless procrastination.

I broke the pattern by asking Archangels Michael and Urel to help me get out of this pattern. I needed a new perspective, inspired ideas, and some clarity.

I was guided to go on a Spiritual retreat which gave me the space to figure it out. After the retreat I had an idea (courtesy of Archangel Uriel) which made it so easy to move.

When fear came up, I cut cords again and rationalized my move didn’t have to be forever! It just had to be better than where I was!

As soon as you decide what you want the Universe and your angels will quickly devise a path and guide you along it, 1 step at a time!Pay attention to Divine ideas and opportunities that open to help you on your way.

 Dear Archangel Michael and Archangel Uriel thank you for giving me signs and guidance and inspiring my thoughts so that I can make a clear decision for my Highest good.  Thank you for giving me the courage, confidence and clarity to leave this painful situation and find something better and more suitable for my purpose and my needs. Amen

Angel Prayer to Archangels Jophiel and Michael to Release your Negative Blocks

Fear, indecision and staying in toxic situations too long can create a lot of negativity.

Resentment, frustration, low self belief, can build up into a big wall of heavy energy blocking your connection to the Universe and your angels. There is guidance waiting for you behind that wall!

Lesson 101 on the Spiritual path is that your thoughts and emotions create your experiences! You have to move your thoughts away from negativity and into the light. Archangel Jophiel is the angel who helps us to shift out of low frequency ego thoughts and into high vibrational positive thinking.

Ask Archangel Michael to clear and transmute the negative emotional and mental energy which is blocking your psychic channels. Request Archangel Jophiel’s help to uplift your thoughts to align with your goals and dreams.

I request the intervention of Archangels Michael and Jophiel to work together on my mindset. Thank you Archangel Michael for using your sword of light to cut away the negative energy that is blocking my mental and psychic channels. Jophiel i give you full permission to help me to keep my thoughts uplifted and in alignment with my goals and dreams. Amen

3. An Angel Prayer to Archangel Gabriel to Take Guided action.

Ultimately to bring your dreams to reality. You have to take real world steps towards what you want. Those steps can come as guidance from the angels, or inspired action that rises up from your own wisdom.

Many people don’t want to pay the price of change, they prefer to stay still than risk stretching out of their comfort zone.

Which is understandable, especially after the past few years!

Whether the cost is financial, physical, emotional, or an investment of time and energy. The idea of having to move in a new direction each day can seem overwhelming and perhaps risky.Your angels understand this and would never guide you faster than you want to go. Their ultimate goal for you is peace.

Archangel Gabriel is a wonderful motivator when it comes to making peaceful changes that fit perfectly for you. She encourages you to tread your own path, rather than do things how everyone else does them!

If this resonates with you ask Archangel Gabriel to guide you one step at a time on the path of peace to your happy change.

Thank you Archangel Gabriel for peacefully guiding me in the direction of my goals. Please inspire my thoughts and motivate me to take daily action to positively change my life. Thank you for guiding me away from stress, harsh energy and negative people so that I can focus on what matters most. Thank you for giving me the courage and focus to bring my dream into harmonious reality. Amen.

Use these prayers to activate positive, peaceful change in your life. Keep taking inspired action and you’ll look back in a year from now with gratitude for yourself and your angels!

P.S. Want more? Here’s another angel prayer for removing obstacles and find out more about angel signs here

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher and Author with 22 years as a professional. She teaches you how to communicate with the angels and hear and receive your guidance. You can join Rachel at one of her regular Angel Attunements, Activations or sign up for training to develop your psychic abilities and become an angel communication practitioner.

Become a Certified Angel Communication Practitioner-Would you like to connect more deeply to your angels, learn to read the angel oracle cards for yourself and others and discover loving, healing, support and guidance for every area of your life? Sign up now to become a certified angel communication practitioner.

You have an opportunity to connect with your angels to invoke their assistance at the upcoming a powerful Angelic Activation for the Solstice. The angels have shared that this is a significant cosmic event, perfect for channeling divine energy and guidance. Reserve your spot for June 21st
Reserve Your Spot for the Solstice Activation Event

Have you read Rachel’s book yet? My Life with Angels How to Access the Healing and Wisdom of the Angels



  1. karlena strynadka

    Thank you for these lovely prayers Rachel, sending you love, blessings, and abundance of peace and happiness 💛🧡💛

    • Rachel

      You are so welcome! Thank you Karlie <3

  2. Mary Grabowsky

    Thank you Rachel for sharing your insights, guidance, and these beautiful prayers.
    Sending much Love, Light, and Blessings.

    • Rachel

      You are very welcome Mary! Love, light and blessings to you x

  3. Nadia Saretta

    Thank you Rachel, you are such a beacon of light and inspiration.
    Love, Light and Blessings to you. xx

    • Rachel

      Love and light to you Nadia <3 xx

  4. Penny Wood

    Dear Rachael
    Thank you for these wonderful prayers. I’m very grateful.
    I wonder do you have a prayer for Archangel Raphael, to support healing.
    Warmly x

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