How to Get Your Spiritual Mojo Back

Life purpose, Spiritual Awakening

Do You need to Get Your Spiritual Mojo Back?

My blog about increasing sensitivity struck a chord with so many readers.

A lightbulb went on for those of you who have been unknowingly absorbing the fear on behalf of others.

If you’ve found life to be hard lately it’s likely that you’re buried under layers of fear energy: from other people, collective consciousness, family, friends, clients, collegues, and everything you see and feel via social media.

When this happens life can feel heavy, stuck and overwhelming.

You become disconnected from the (life-giving) web of cosmic energy that conneects all of us with the Universe, the earth, the animals, nature, the stars, the spiritual realm and each other.

Consequently you stop feeling like YOU!

The answer to getting your spiritual mojo back is to clear the stuck energy.

Then you can reaffirm your link to the spiritual realm, your soul and the spiritual web of life.

Then you can tune into the messages from your angels, the Universe, animal messengers and the other spirit helpers who are there to assist you.

As you open to the messages that Spirit has for you, you’ll be directed to your Divine right path.

You know it’s there, waiting for you!

Are you ready to get your spiritual mojo back?I teach you how in my Angel communication program which is both transformational immersion and spiritual developmental training.
🪶The secret of angel communication is that I combine the work of opening your link to the Spiritual Realm with special healing sessions which detox your energy, release the blocks, sabotueurs and fears that keep you stuck. This combo works like magic and fast tracks your purpse and path.

Ready to stop hitting the same barriers? message me to arrange a chat, or stop putting it off and book  your spot now. Go here

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Energy Therapy Expert and Author of 2 Books. She teaches spiritual seekers, empaths and healers how to link to the spiritual realm of angels so they can discover their next steps, fulfil their purpose and find their path.


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