The Cure for FOMO

The Cure for FOMO

Have you ever had FOMO? The fear that comes up when you feel you are missing out on life? Maybe you see someone who seems to have their life together; they’re successful, happy, following their dreams in a way that you would like to do. But instead of being...
Is It Destiny?

Is It Destiny?

Receiving clear messages from your angels doesn’t mean you suddenly become a fortune teller, peering into the future to see when and if your dreams will come true. 🔮 Thank HEAVENS! How boring would it be if everything was already planned and laid out? We...
Are You Blocking The Universe?

Are You Blocking The Universe?

Do you unconsciously block your own abundance? Maybe you are too busy, you feel guilty accepting nice things or you just don’t want to appear selfish! When you deflect compliments, gifts and offers of help you literally keep yourself stuck not realizing YOU are...
Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Are you asking the right questions when you want help from the Angels? The questions you ask and how you ask them make a big difference to the guidance & support you receive. Asking questions can seem hard, especially if you are not comfortable receiving. It can...
Uncovering Your Guidance

Uncovering Your Guidance

The angels have been telling us since December 21st that we are on a kind of bridge between the old paradigm and the new. This means you get to choose what you leave behind and what you want to take with you into the next part of your life. As you let go of energies,...
Tapping Back Into Your Intuition

Tapping Back Into Your Intuition

Do you consider yourself intuitive? Whether you do or you don’t, you DO have intuition…. And it is constantly trying to get your attention! Intuition is an innate gift , we are all born with it! It’s your inner GPS, meant to guide you through your life....
A Miracle on The Worst of Days

A Miracle on The Worst of Days

Right at the beginning of Australia’s lockdown when Covid didn’t seem real yet, we’d just come out of the worst bushfires in history and my trip to the UK to see my mum, my sister & her family was cancelled. I’ve never felt so far away (or...