Tapping Back Into Your Intuition

Angel messages, Guidance

Do you consider yourself intuitive?

Whether you do or you don’t, you DO have intuition….

And it is constantly trying to get your attention!

Intuition is an innate gift , we are all born with it!

It’s your inner GPS, meant to guide you through your life.

Yet, almost from day one at school most people are taught to value left brain logic and ignore intuition as imagination or fantasy.

Which teaches you to distrust that valuable inner guidance.

If you were a sensitive child, like me, you may have learnt early on that not everyone wants to hear that you see angels or that grandma is visiting from the otherside. 

Even as an adult you might encounter eye rolling, awkward silences and outright mockery for speaking your spiritual truth! #rude!

This can all lead to you closing your third eye down and numbing your intuitive feelings.

Many people have unconsciously tried to shut their own intuition out, fearing that it makes them weird, bad or unacceptable.

When you suppress your natural soul gifts it can feel  like the spark has gone out of your life. It can lead to heightened anxiety, feeling stuck, and drawn to addictions and all kinds of self sabotaging behaviour.

A sign that you’ve suppressed your inner voice is that  you use “logical override” instead of listening to and following what your inner truth tells you. .

  • You get an urge to turn off the highway and override it only to hit a traffic jam.
  • You push your doubts aside about a relationship only to find out later that your feelings were correct.
  • You feel resistence about meeting a friend for lunch but guilt makes you override it and you get food poisoning. 
  • You dream of leaving your soul destroying safe (job/relationship/location) to follow your dreams
  • You say “I knew it!” a lot! (We are all psychic in retrospect!)

If you are a serial intuitive over-rider, then it’s time to start to  unlock and trust your inner voice again!

You CAN strengthen, trust and reclaim your intuition!

It’s like an unused muscle. It needs some training and practice to bring it back to crystal clear clarity!

You also need to clear the fear and barriers within you that caused you to close down in the first place. 

My new Awaken Your Soul Gifts Program  will help you with all of this and more in a safe positive atmosphere.

This 4 week online live program is focused soley on healing your intuition and teaching you simple yet powerful methods to open, trust and understand your soul’s voice and remove the fear and blocks.

You will answer questions such as:

  • What do I most need to know to make the best decisions for my life?
  • How can I discover my Divine Purpose?
  • What am I doing right now that is contributing to me feeling stuck or lost?
  • What messages are my angels and my intuition trying to communicate with me?
  • Which angel is guiding me?

Awaken Your soul gifts 4 week online program starts on January 29th 2021- 19th February 2021

I will teach this program  live with replays available, and some useful amazing bonuses and content. spaces are filling fast for this group training. Book here.

The Universe is full of unlimited possibilities and miracles for you.

I cannot wait for you to access them!

Love and Angel Blessings Rachel Scoltock.

PS I have a special bonus for you. Book in for Awaken Your Soul Gifts now to receive a private mentoring session with me. * terms apply pay in full only.


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