Is It Destiny?

Angel, Angel messages, Angel Signs

Receiving clear messages from your angels doesn’t mean you suddenly become a fortune teller, peering into the future to see when and if your dreams will come true. 🔮


How boring would it be if everything was already planned and laid out?

We wouldn’t learn a thing!

& how scary is it to believe that you have no say in what happens to you?

This idea about everything being predestined is one of the biggest misperceptions about working with angels and intuition.

And can be a big intuitive block.

Some naturaly intuitive people are terrified about what they’ll see or find out if they fully open to their intuition.

So they subconsciously block their psychic ears and eyes! 🙉🙈

Others give up on their dreams believing that they’re  just”not meant to be.”

The truth is: Your future is NOT set in stone:

💖There isn’t a set date that you’ll meet your soul mate or find your purpose.

💖Your success, health & happiness are not down to luck, rewards, psychic predictions or your star sign.

 💖You are not a helpless passenger drifting down the river of destiny.(or the waterfall of doom!)

💖The path you take and when certain events happen is not written on a mysterious scroll somewhere. 

You are the master of your destiny.

The power lies within your beautiful mind and soul to create your life through your thoughts, expections, decisions and actions.

There are many ways for your life to unfold. So many paths you can take.

Which is can also seem scary, until you remember that the angels were sent to you to help you to find the best path to the highest outcome!

Everything is stacked in your favour. You are guided, protected and loved.

There is no perfect path or ideal time.

The only moment that matters is now & what you do now creates your future.

Your angels show you the best path, guiding you one step at a time.

They protect you against harm and clear your inner & outer obstacles to happiness.

Which is WHY life improves so much when you become aware of the detailed and healing guidance from your angels.

You can then co create your best vision of the future with loving step by step guidance from your angels.

Always leaving room for unexpected blessings and soul lessons.

Which is exactly how it IS meant to be!

I am passionate about handing you back your power when it comes to creating your dreams, living your purpose and finding happiness.

I’ve decided to teach a free masterclass on receiving clear angel guidance next week. It’s completely free and you sign up by going to this page. FREE Angel Masterclass 
Angel Blessings
Rachel Scoltock x

PS Are you ready for a Divinely Guided Change?
Here is how you can put your life purpose front and centre
1- Reserve your spot on the FREE Angel Messages Masterclass next week.
2-Register for the Angel Communication Program  An indepth 6 week transformational healing and learning program to receive clear accurate guidance from the angels whilst healing your blocks and sabotuers. Email me for information & payment plan.

3- drop me a reply and let me know where you feel stuck the most with creating your dreams and healing your challenges?


  1. nadia saretta

    Hi Rachel,
    I’m interested in knowing about your 6 wk Angel Communication Program.
    I feel so stuck in knowing which path I should move forward in, so much so that I’m not doing anything at all. I was reasonably talented as an artist, but let it go some 5 yrs ago and now I can’t seem to motivate myself to pick up my paint brushes again. At the time I stopped painting, I felt I needed to heal myself from lupus arthritis and fibromyalgia, as these conditions were taking up so much of my energy. I studied energy medicine and took several courses, thinking I would be able to heal and also help others to heal, however this didn’t happen and I didn’t heal myself. This left me feeling that I am not good enough to be a healer. Then I created essential oil, flower essence and crystal aura sprays; again my project is sitting lifeless and I’m lacking inspiration to forge ahead.
    What’s wrong with me, I ask myself?
    Please send me the details of your class and payment plan, as I really want to receive clear accurate guidance from the angels, whilst healing my blocks and sabotuers. Sounds perfect!

    • Rachel Scoltock

      Hi Nadia, I have sent you and email. There are a few ways you can move forward to clear the past and heal. This will help you to reconect wiht the inspiration and your inner spark again. Rachel x

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