Unlocking Angel Guidance: How to Chat with the Angels

Angel, Angel messages, Angels, Spiritual Awakening

Have you ever felt a gentle, calming presence surrounding you? Have you noticed angel numbers, feathers and other spiritual signs?

These are signs that your angels are with you and asking you to listen as they have deeper guidance and support for you!

While signs and angel numbers are wonderful, communicating directly with angels is a truly amazing and life changing experience, providing deep, detailed guidance and support that can change your life in profound ways.

Angels are messengers from the Divine, offering comfort, guidance, and protection to you throughout your Earthly life. Many people believe that angel communication is reserved for only gifted mediums and psychics, but the truth is that anyone can learn to safely and effectively connect with their angels. Everyone has intuition and everyone has guardian angels. Not everyone listens to their angels though!

So, how can you start chatting with your angels and learn what guidance they have for you?

Begin by opening your heart and mind to their presence and inviting the angels into your life. Even if part of you is skeptical, you can still be open minded and ask for a sign of their presence so you can trust that angels exist!

You can use a prayer of invocation, a guided meditation, or simply take some time in nature or in a peaceful room for quiet time so you can clear your mind and focus on introducing yourself to your angels and asking for their help.

Write a letter to your angels, or simply ASK aloud or in your mind for their intervention and signs. Be sure to be open to HOW the sign arrives. If you try to control your angels, you will unwittingly push them away. Just ask “Dear Angels, please give me a clear, unmistakeable sign of your presence over the coming days. Thank you for showing me that you hear my prayer and that you do exist! Amen.

IF you already believe and know your angels are with you, you can jump into asking your angels for a message or guidance. “Angels show me what i need to do about this situation” or “Angels please help me overcome this problem (XYZ) can you give me a clear sign about what to do?”

Again don’t try to dictate HOW your angel helps you or when. Just give them permission to intervene and remain open minded and present. Try not to worry on your problem. Any type of control or fear just pushes away the subtle loving vibration of angels.

If you’d like a more direct answer then I recommend the use of Angel Communication Techniques!

Angel Communication Techniques

A powerful technique for angelic communication is automatic or channeled writing. Start with an invocation and then ask for a message. By quieting your  mind and allowing your hand to move freely across the page, you can receive messages from the angels as a short sweet message or a longer response. Write everything you feel. Trust your intuition and allow the words to flow without judgment. You may be surprised at how  profound the insights and guidance from your angels can be. It takes practice, to trust what you’re getting, but it is worth the effort!

Another very powerful method to talk to your angels  is through the use of angel oracle cards. These beautifully illustrated cards are infused with angelic energy and when attuned to the angels and your own personal frequency, they can be used to receive guidance and clarity on any aspect of your life.

By setting your intention, asking a clear question and tuning into the angels, before shuffling and pulling a card, you can tap into the wisdom of the angels and receive the exact guidance you seek. Always remember to thank your angels for the message. You may notice deeper messages coming through your intuitive channels when you pull a card. You may sense, hear, see, or just receive a message in your mind that seems completely unrelated to the image or the card written meaning. This is true Angel Communication and comes when you are attuned with the angelic realm and your intuitive senses. It’s like going from reading a book to being immersed in a multi dimensional world. I teach this method in My Angel Communication Practitioner Program

Perhaps the most important aspect of communicating with angels is to be trusting, open, and receptive to their presence. There are simple methods you can learn to raise your vibration, clear the clutter and mental chatter and tune out your fear mind so you can fully tap into the angels and their messages for you.

Angels are always with you, whether you sense their presence or not. They will get their message to you through every means possible, using signs, other people, synchronicities and dreams. However, when you start to use Angel Oracle Cards, Channeled Writing and other communication methods, you open the door more widely and the messages become louder, more obvious, and detailed!

You can start to welcome the angels right now by requesting their assistance with something in your life. Then pay attention to the subtle signs, symbols, and synchronicities that show up, as these are messages from your guardian Angels guiding you along your path.

Are you ready to dive deeper into the world of angelic communication?

Join one of my Angel Attunement Classes– you can stream them immediately or join the upcoming class: If you’d like to learn Automatic Writing sign up for the “How to Receive a Daily Message from the Angels,” and unlock the magic of angelic guidance in your life. Reserve your spot today and start your journey to deeper connection, insight, and healing with the angels. Buy Now

Want to learn How to read the Angel oracle cards, channel the angels and other Angel Mediumship techniques to become an Angel Communication Practitioner? Go here to find out more for the Angel Communication Practitioner Program

Meet Rachel Scoltock, Angel Medium, and expert in angelic communication. With over 20 years of professional experience, Rachel is a highly respected psychic, energy healer, and author known for her integrity and professionalism in the spiritual community.As a teacher of psychic development and angel communication, Rachel shares her deep knowledge and expertise with warmth and compassion, guiding others on their spiritual journeys. Her genuine and nurturing approach creates a safe and supportive environment for students to explore their psychic abilities and connect with the angelic realm.Whether through her books, classes, or private sessions, Rachel’s mission is to empower others to awaken their intuition, find healing, and discover the transformative power of angelic guidance. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth with Rachel Scoltock as your guide.

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