Understanding Your Spiritual Life Lessons

Angel, Believe in yourself, Bullying, Life purpose

Do you ever wonder which spiritual life lesson you are currently learning?

Maybe you keep bumping into the same frustrating problem, or you’ve had a run of negative events.

The angels teach that when you understand & learn the spiritual lesson, the problem goes away. (or you find a way to transcend it)

This is 100 percent true, but how do you know what the lesson is?

Right at the beginning of my career as an angel medium I had a big life lesson.

I was working at a little crystal shop giving readings for $25 an hour. (Behind the legendary purple velvet curtain!)

The first few weeks were a dream,  all the customers were lovely and they were all  happy with their readings.

Soon I was booked out in advance & it was then I started to feel the pressure of expectations.

I began to worry: What if I didn’t live up to what people wanted? What if I made mistakes or missed something important?

Then one day a woman walked into my office with a big scowl on her face. She grimaced when I asked her how I could help & said that she thought I looked too young to be a reader. (I was 34)

She refused to ask me any questions and sat across from me with her arms folded & a mean look on her face.

Panic rose up in my chest,  I couldn’t psychically see or hear anything, except the red waves of anger floating at me across the tiny cubical.

After an awkward and hellish 10 minutes she stormed out.

A whole smudge stick and a few days later a similar event happened.

This time the client was silent & deadpan on arrival.

She refused to communicate, because “if I really was psychic I would know why she was there.”#notamindreader

Again my anxiety & her negativity completely choked me and she left having proven her point.

I couldn’t work out why anyone would book a reading and then make it so hard for the reader to do their job!

I felt like a failure.

For the next few weeks more non-cooperative, argumentative customers began to file in.

It was awful.

I begged my angels to help me. I invoked protection and asked them why I was going through this!

What was the lesson I was meant to be learning? How could I shift out of this situation?

I knew it was an important spiritual lesson, I just could not get clear about what exactly I was supposed to learn. To give up?

A few days later I bumped into a guy I knew from Angel School. I poured out my heart to him about what was happening and he compassionately said:

Your self doubt is showing up as these clients.


He was right.

I had manifested these scary clients & I had to release my fears.

But wait, there was more!

While meditating I realized that my ridiculously low priced readings were attracting people who didn’t take me or my work seriously. It was drawing the wrong kind of customer. When you don’t charge enough the energy attracts people who don’t value you.

I then saw that if I was to succeed as an Angel Medium, I had to get stronger boundaries & not allow people to bully me!

I made the necessary changes and everything improved right away.

The next time I was faced with a client who wanted to play games & test me, I told them they had 2 options. They could relax their defenses and ask their questions or they could leave and have a full refund.

She stayed and had a great reading!

That particular life lesson was much needed at that stage in my life and the wisdom I learned has served me well many many times in my career over the past 18 years.

  • I no longer allow clients to waste my time or disrespect me.
  • I learned the importance of a proper energy exchange and valuing my work.
  • I finally understood that self doubt attracts doubters.

I will be showing you how to understand your life lessons and teaching you how to tap into your purpose at the upcoming Understanding Your Life Purpose with Archangel Gabriel Webinar. This live 90 minute online class will include a deeply cleansing guided soul journey to release blocks. A replay is made available to everyone who is booked in. Book your spot here: Your Life Purpose Webinar.

Angel Blessings

Rachel Scoltock

Angel Medium

Ps yes you can still book a reading with me! Go here: Readings with Rachel 

Photo credit Julia Kadel Unsplash





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