A Miracle on The Worst of Days

A Miracle on The Worst of Days

Right at the beginning of Australia’s lockdown when Covid didn’t seem real yet, we’d just come out of the worst bushfires in history and my trip to the UK to see my mum, my sister & her family was cancelled. I’ve never felt so far away (or...
Peace, Healing & Divine Love

Peace, Healing & Divine Love

Have you felt unsettled recently? A sense of not being able to focus, feeling negative energy dragging you backwards, or simply uneasy?? Today I meditated on the beach and immediately felt a strong presence of 2 figures who told me they were Arcturians and were here...
Trust Divine Orchestration Is At Work

Trust Divine Orchestration Is At Work

Is it time to start trusting Divine Orchestration & the power of synchronicity to help make your dreams come true? We so often get caught up in HOW our desires are going to work out. Worrying about how can make you feel as if what you want isn’t going to...
5 Hints to Manifest Your Desires

5 Hints to Manifest Your Desires

I will be teaching an indepth manifesting workshop on this on Friday 21st August 10 am AEST via Zoom. I will be sharing some of the secrets and insights that will allow you to expertly manifest with the angels in the new energy. We are currently in a major energy...
Mantras To Stay Calm and Positive

Mantras To Stay Calm and Positive

Now, more than ever we all need a little help to release stress & feel calm, positive and focused. Worry and negativity can pull you down  and make it harder to tap into your intuition and feel good about yourself. Mantras are a sure-fire way of keeping your mind...

A Potent Archangel Manifesting Ritual for You

Invoke the power of the Archangels to change your life I am typing this as soft spring rain tumbles from a grey Australian sky.  Today is the September full moon synchronizing with the Equinox, both potent times for healing and manifesting. This is a PERFECT time to...