Archangel Healing For Your Self Worth & Confidence

Angel, Angel messages, Archangel Michael, Archangels, Confidence, Energy Shifts

Hello friends,

Right now, you may find yourself  facing deep challenges and feeling an urge to change your life to become more peaceful and aligned. These changes can push you out of your  comfort zone to face your deepest fears. 

Angel & Energy therapy is so powerful against fear and it’s effects. You really can experience some miraculous healings and positive changes through this healing.  Over the next few weeks I will introduce you to powerful angels and their energy healing methods to help you to self heal and create a strong spiritual connection during this time of awakening.

Archangel Healing for Confidence and Self Worth

Your angels are right beside you, every moment to help you to fully understand your  worth, find your confidence and know the beautiful essence of who you really are.

The Divine archangels hold great power for transformation and healing. They are the perfect guides whenever you find your confidence dropping & you’re unsure about your place in the world.

Low self-worth arises when you don’t use the true power that is within you. Your true power is your connection with the Divine, and your ability to change any situation by changing the energy.

Claiming your power will lead you to fulfil your dreams, and create the life, relationships, and abundance that you deserve and long for.

When your self esteem is strong and your faith in your abilities is high, you easily hear  and follow your intuition, your mind is clear and you radiate a powerful light.

When you lose confidence & forget your power you automatically dim your inner light, you hide your strength and your thoughts can easily slip into negativity and self-punishment.

This dimming attracts people who would take advantage of your lack of boundaries and low worth. You become demagnetized to opportunities and abundance because you are not in your power!

It is important to remember that nothing outside of you can truly give you power, worth or confidence. If you don’t feel confident in yourself, no amount of compliments, money or popularity will change that.

In the angel’s eyes you are already 100 percent worthy of all the good that you can possibly imagine. You do not need to change to “earn” what you desire or what the Universe wants to bring you.

You are already are worthy of overcoming your worries and challenges and improving your life in whatever way you wish. You are 100% worthy of great love and success.

The idea that something makes you unworthy, is a false idea of the ego. It always pushes your success into the future! It says: I will get what I want when I am …(thinner, healthier, more qualified, single, married, older, more deserving, etc).

These are all excuses created by the ego that is always telling you that you need something else to be good enough.

You are already perfect exactly as you are.

Okay, you may need to learn something new to get that fabulous new job, or you may need to change your lifestyle to heal from an illness. But on a soul level you are completely deserving and able to achieve your dreams by taking the steps that lead you there.

If you hold yourself in a state of not good enough then you won’t even take the first steps, your confidence will hold you back and make you want to hide.

So how do you increase your confidence,  know your worth and start magnetizing amazing stuff?

The archangels heal you by clearing the lower vibrations of the painful events, harsh words, and unhealthy emotions that you carry within your consciousness.

AKA: All the things that conned you into believing you were not enough.

These fear thoughts, beliefs and energies cover the Divine light within you, dulling your confidence and weighing you down with the sadness of the past.

Each painful situation which seemed to steal your power and cast doubt over your worthiness is lovingly peeled away and replaced with Divine healing love by the archangels and angels, allowing you to feel light, confident and radiate worthiness once more. (this is a wonderful angelic healing meditation for clearing your energy )

You can invite specific archangels to work with you and help with your intention of boosting your confidence and sense of worth.

Each time you meditate and invoke the angels  & archangels you magnify the Divine light and healing energy around you. This keeps your energy bright,clear and confident.

Here are 4 Archangels you can invoke immediately to boost your self-worth, confidence and inner power:

Archangel Gabriel whose name mean Strength of God. Gabriel reminds you that your power and confidence come from the Divine within you and not some ego idea about who you are or should be.

When you lean on God and your own soul for strength you disconnect from the ever-changing opinions and conditions of the world as a reflection of your worth.  Archangel Gabriel will infuse you with strength and an inner knowing of who you are. Ask Gabriel to touch your throat chakra and give you the strength to speak your truth with love.

Archangel Ariel’s name means Lion of God. Lions are symbols for courage and regal confidence. Ariel can fill you with the confidence to do what is right for you, to stand up for yourself and also to confidently manifest what you want in life. She also protects you with animal guardians! Ask Ariel to energise your solar plexus chakra your centre for courage and confidence.

Archangel Michael is the fierce angel of love and protection, he is the one to call on if someone’s behaviour is draining your confidence.  Meditate with Archangel Michael when you need to cut the cords to past experiences that are sapping your sense of worth. He is amazing for boosting your courage, confidence and Divine worth. ( see last week’s blog for how Archangel Michael can heal anxiety) Ask Archangel Michael to heal your sacral chakra to clear old self worth and self image issues.

Archangel Uriel: His name means the Light of God, Uriel’s golden healing light will illuminate your mind to reveal and clear the thoughts that bring you down. He will reveal mental and emotional patterns that do not serve the Divine light within you! If you are looking for a therapist to help you with releasing past trauma or negative thoughts Uriel will guide you to the right person. Ask him to brighten your third eye and crown chakras to clear your mind energy and keep your thoughts positive.

All Archangels and Angels are amazing healers who carry the Divine Love to bring you back to your true confident self. You too carry the spark of the Divine within YOU!  It takes practice to remember access it. A daily angel invocation and meditation will strengthen that spark and change your life for the better.

This week’s Angel Messages Video can be found here

Angel Blessings

Rachel Scoltock x

PS Would you like to know more about the Archangels and experience their powerful healing for yourself?  Join me on July 17th AEST 10 am – 11.30 am for the Awaken to Your Angels and Guides Webinar. During this session I will guide you through 2 powerful angelic energy healing sessions to clear lower energies that shroud your inner light and true self. You will also learn about how to connect with the angels and invoke their help. a replay will be sent out to all who register

Reserve your place here


Photo Credit insung-yoon  via Unsplash



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