Uncovering Your Guidance


The angels have been telling us since December 21st that we are on a kind of bridge between the old paradigm and the new.

This means you get to choose what you leave behind and what you want to take with you into the next part of your life.

As you let go of energies, situations and patterns that do not serve you, they are replaced with higher, happier versions of life that you perhaps didn’t even know were possible.

Sometimes you just can’t see or hear the guidance that is right in front of you because of all the clutter  & fear blocking your energy.

When that energy debris lifts, the path you’ve been searching for opens up effortlessly.

It was there all along!

The angels are asking us all to lighten our load so we can be ready to move forward to greater happiness and abundance into soul aligned situations.

Since returning from my trip I have felt an overwhelming urge to clear clutter and cleanse my energy in deeper and bigger ways.

On Saturday I finally tackled 2 big cupboards full of paperwork from the last 17 years of business.

I sorted through every scrap of paper.

By 7 pm my recycling bin was full

Then I saw it….

Right at the bottom of the cupboard was a battered shoebox filled to the brim with cards, letters and memories.
There was a letter from my Dad written before he passed, there were cards and letters from Mum, drawings by my nephew & niece. So much treasure.
I was meant to find that box. It gave me so much that I did not even realize I needed.
That box of treasures was buried and I could not reach it until I had cleared the energy that was on top of it.
Just as when you clear the layers of old energy you will find the clarity, guidance and peace within YOU.
My Program starting 29th January is a clutter clearing for your mind, body and soul.
Not only will you clear the darkness and fear that has buried you, keeping you from your next steps, but you will also discover your guidance. You will  learn how to uncover your soul’s messages and open your intuition to find your next steps.
Link here to join me for this amazing transformational 4 weeks– or send me an email and we can chat. (I am not going to sell you anything – just let’s see how I can help you.)
With Angel Blessings
Rachel Scoltock

Angel Medium






Awaken Your Soul Gifts Program


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