The Frequency of Prosperity

The Frequency of Prosperity

Are you ready to get onto the frequency of Prosperity? Are you ready to drop struggle stress and fear around having enough? Do you want to stop allowing fear to control your life decisions ? One of the “energy codes” you need to access to fulfil your...
The Ultimate Healer

The Ultimate Healer

I had a beautiful moment over the weekend, I was sitting on my verandah pulling on my trainers to go for a walk when 2 Australian Wood-ducks waddled into my garden. The National Park is almost at my fence and I see a lot of wildlife. I never take it for granted, I...
Find What You Are Looking For with the Angels

Find What You Are Looking For with the Angels

All that is mine by Divine right now reaches me in great avalanches of abundance under grace and in miraculous ways  Florence Scovel Shinn I am one of those people who regularly has “where are my keys?” moments. In days gone by I would turn my house upside...
Do your Dreams Seem Out of Reach ?

Do your Dreams Seem Out of Reach ?

Unleash your Magic When your manifestations seem delayed or out of reach! Have you been asking the Divine for SOMETHING OR SOMEONE for what seems like centuries without success? Or maybe you are praying for a healing in a relationship, your health or at work and with...

Manifesting the Money you Need

A few weeks ago I had a moment of panic. Buyers regret: I’d bought something very desirable and expensive on my credit card. It’s been a while since I even used the card, it was just easiest at the time. I hate having a debt of any kind. This comes from...