Do you need some spiritual financial help to manifest new Abundance with the angels?

Here’s an amazing little story about manifesting financial help which came from one of my longtime clients.

Every year I hold a retreat at a special sacred place in Australia called Uluru. Unbeknownst to me, one of my regular clients signed up for the Angels at Uluru Retreat, knowing she had to be there but not exactly knowing where the money for the trip would come from!

She had so much faith that she needed to attend that she reserved her place and then invoked her angels asking for help to generate the money she needed for all the expenses.

After asking her angels sincerely for their help, she started to have a repetitive new idea to earn extra money through a creative business offer. The thought would not leave her alone and she remembered that Angel guidance often comes as repeating positive ideas and thoughts. She decided to follow through on this idea and make a special offer to her customers.

When the special offer was finished  my client realized she had made the EXACT  amount she needed for the the DOLLAR!

She had asked her angels for the amount she had calculated she’d need for the travel, retreat costs, and accomodation. The guidance had led her to not only earn extra money, but the specific amount she had requested.

This works! I have personally had similar experiences and seen it happen time and time again with my clients.

Manifesting with your angels works fast when you are tapped into positive energy, attuned to your angels and you are clear in your mind and heart about what you want. The clearer and more specific you are, the more quickly the angels can bring what you want to you.

There is always action to be taken. Your angels will guide you so pay attention to ideas, nudges, synchronicities and opportunities that show up.

You may need to clear blocks, if you are feeling particularly doubtful, negative, or stressed about what you are asking for. (Attend my Angel Attunement events on Zoom or use one of my Deep Angelic Clearing Meditations to clear your blocks and fears)

ASKING for help from the heart for something  is the most important step step. Your passion, gratitude, and excitement combined with determination are important ingredients.  It it is also vital to SHOW FAITH Acting AS IF it will happen. Perhaps packing a bag, planning, imagining yourself receiving it (do this regularly)

Having asked, stay alert for obvious opportunities and ideas. Act on those ideas , walk through the doors that open and the abundance – what you are asking for- will arrive!

Here are some ways I can help you to begin creating Abundance with the Angels today!

  • Watch this replay of a recent Abundance Activation with the Angels– you can download: Abundance Activation
  • Want to read more about creating Abundance with the Angels- here is a recent blog artlcle
  • A Prayer for Abundance to break the vows of poverty- Go here
  • How to Manifest Abundance with the Angels Blog- here
  • Book a private 1:1 reading with Rachel Scoltock here
  • Read Rachel’s Book- My Life With Angels-How to Access to Healing and Wisdom of the Angels here

By the way, my client attended my retreat, Angels at Uluru, with her family and here is what she had to say about the experience:

 I knew I had to do this retreat with Rachel. The deep energy clearing meditations, alignment exercises and letting go ceremony at Uluru were so powerful words can’t begin to describe them. I still get goosebumps when I think about it. It was the healing and connection with myself and my angels that I desperately needed The feeling is still with me today. I feel so much inner peace, lighter, calmer and clearer. It was absolutely one of the best experiences of my life! Life is amazing and so many wonderful things have opened up for me since that weekend. Thank you, Rachel! Peta Watson

Want to attend the next Retreat At Uluru Australia? Get in touch with me or join my mailing list to be first to know.

Taking action on behalf of your soul-self sends a loud message into the Universe inviting an equally powerful response.
Love and Angel blessings

Rachel Scoltock x
Angel Medium

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium and Spiritual Teacher who has been sharing the angels messages and healing for more than 20 years. She can help you to connect with your angels, and tap into your intuition so you can receive the messages of healing, wisdom, and love waiting for you.


  1. Lisa L Seals

    I feel a dread of helplessness when it comes to my money. It seems like it’s always being taken or I’ll get real close n it’s snatched or it suppose to come to me but someone gets it
    I am on disability n I’m getting garnished for overpaying. It’s always something unexplainable. It feels dark. Heavy. Even when I pay my tithes Nothing.

    • Rachel

      Hi Lisa, to me this sounds like you have a belief and a fear around money which is holding your vibration down into heaviness. Paying tithes does not create money if you deep down believe it will be removed or “snatched” even this was true in the past doesn’t mean it will be true in the future, unless you believe it. I suggest using my meditations in my FREE ANGEL Meditation library, or use one of the past abundance activations and work with the angels on releasing the “dread” and heavy, dark energy around you about money. Ask to be shown how to get to the place of joyfully receiving and giving money. I have more abundance classes and and replays of webinars you can also use if you like. Go to my Attunements page- or search Abundance in the blog search bar. I also recommend Louise Hay’s book You can heal your life, a book that has changed many people’s lives.

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