Here is a magical mantra which I use anytime I have lost money or overspent or had last minute cancellations in my business:
“There is no loss in the Divine mind, what is mine is always returned to me under Grace in perfect timing and in perfect ways, according to Divine Will.”
Sometimes this powerful affirmation can work instantly other times it takes longer but it has never failed me and is the perfect treatment for times when you need a little spiritual help in reclaiming what is yours.
Last year I had a strange drama with a power company who had been charging me for my neighbors electricity supply for a whole year. Using this affirmation sped the process up considerably and within a few weeks the money was back in my account.
The secret to activating the Divine Law of replenishment is to remember that the Universe is a Source of infinite abundance and will always replenish what is genuinely owed.
Faith is essential, try not to be attached as to HOW or WHEN the funds will return to you. Your non attachment allows for the natural flow to bring you into perfect balance. If you can see the Divine Universe as being a place of multiple possibilities and unlimited abundance, this will become the truth for you and you will receive exactly what has been lost.
If a low integrity person makes off with your money then you may or may not get it back directly, but the Divine will make sure it finds you in another way.
The Divine is the all creative Source of all that is, it only knows how to create, heal and replenish, so you know that when something is lost, lacking or negative then you’ve temporarily disconnected from the Divine and it is time to reconnect.
These mantras and your angels realign you with the Divine and switch you out of your fearful, judgmental ego and back into right thinking and inner peace.
When you remember Divine Truth, you always heal whatever seems lacking or wrong and come back to spiritual harmony.
Divine Truth is wholeness, abundance, peace, infinite abundance, perfect health, unconditional true Love.
Other than shifting your mind , mantras also activate the field of Divine Abundance, drawing to you what you affirm.
In other words, if what you think, feel and say, aligns with the Divine Truth and integrity then you will experience a correction in any condition which is less than whole.
Your beliefs, thoughts and words directly effect what you attract into your life at any moment. You can change the outer experiences simply by changing the way you think and speak about them.
I would love to help you to align your mind and energy with Divine Truth and Angelic Guidance to bring you all that is yours by Divine Right! I will help you to remove the blocks which are sabotaging your success and prosperity.
Rachel Scoltock is an Angel channel, Intuitive Energy Therapist, Transformational Teacher and author of two books: Loving Your Sensitive Self- A guide for empaths, and My Life with Angels: How to access the healing and wisdom of the angels. Contact Rachel at