Uncovering Your Guidance

Uncovering Your Guidance

The angels have been telling us since December 21st that we are on a kind of bridge between the old paradigm and the new. This means you get to choose what you leave behind and what you want to take with you into the next part of your life. As you let go of energies,...
Trust Divine Orchestration Is At Work

Trust Divine Orchestration Is At Work

Is it time to start trusting Divine Orchestration & the power of synchronicity to help make your dreams come true? We so often get caught up in HOW our desires are going to work out. Worrying about how can make you feel as if what you want isn’t going to...
5 Hints to Manifest Your Desires

5 Hints to Manifest Your Desires

I will be teaching an indepth manifesting workshop on this on Friday 21st August 10 am AEST via Zoom. I will be sharing some of the secrets and insights that will allow you to expertly manifest with the angels in the new energy. We are currently in a major energy...
The Power To Move Stuck Energy

The Power To Move Stuck Energy

At the beginning of the year, pre- Covid, I discovered that the celebrity mediumship cruise I was due to board in April had been cancelled. I contacted the cruise company for my refund and received a standard vaction reply over and over again. I immediately started...