I Can See Clearly Now

I Can See Clearly Now

Do you ever look back at a messy situation and wonder how did I not see what was happening? Perhaps you were blinded by love or desire, you ignored a red flag, hoping it would go away, or you got so buried in work and doing things for others that you did see an what...
Three ways to invoke your angels

Three ways to invoke your angels

Three ways to invoke angels People are always asking me,, how do I get my angels to help me? Angels are your spiritual protectors, messengers, healers and guides. They are beings of bright light who are always on 24 hour call. Everyone has access to angelic help, and...
A Message from Archangel Michael

A Message from Archangel Michael

Your Angel message for this week comes from Archangel Michael, Angel of protection and courage. Michael is a direct and powerful guide who inspires you to make changes that get you on the path that is completely aligned with your true self. Beloved one, I come to you...
Three ways to invoke your Angels

Three ways to invoke your Angels

Angels are your spiritual protectors, messengers, healers and guides. They are beings of bright light & Love who are always on call 24 hours a day. Everyone has access to angelic help, you have two or more personal protectors devoted to your well being.  Did you...

Trying to Find your Purpose ? A Lightworkers Guide

From little things big things grow Paul Kelly At this time of great change, so many people are seeking their purpose through a meaningful career. Lightworker is a spiritual  term used to describe loving souls of all ages who feel that their life has meaning beyond the...

Life Get’s Easier When You Know This.

You have been criticizing yourself for years and that has not worked, try approving of yourself and see what happens. Louise Hay I’d let my yoga practice slip and today, when I noticed my head was not getting halfway close to my knee, I began to chide myself....
Three ways to invoke your angels

When you feel not good enough, you are mistaken!

You are always enough, you are more wonderful and lovable and capable than you will ever know. Just because you think you are lacking- or someone else says so, does not make it true. It is all perspective. I made this delightful discovery recently: I was really down...

What I learned about Energy from Wild Sea Lions!

I just did this crazy wonderful last minute trip to swim with sea lions! I traveled about 15 hours to get to this distant beautiful peninsula  teaming with sea life, where this bucket list event could take place. Our boat was filled with a lovely bunch, united in our...
You Can Manifest The Life that you Want

You Can Manifest The Life that you Want

You can manifest the life that you want, read how I did and how you can too. If you are anything like me, you hate feeling stuck and far off from what you want in your life. It is so frustrating to be in that place of knowing where you want to be and not being sure...

How to Keep the Faith and Get Back into the Flow

It is not your work to make anything happen, it is your work to dream it and let it happen. Abraham Hicks Hey There, I am back from a Abraham Hicks Workshop in Sydney, wow is all I can say! Here is this weeks 7 minute Video reading with some great information for you....

Lifting your own Life up to a Higher Level

If you wish to communicate with Divine Beings, then you must restore your Divine qualities through virtue and service. Lao Tzu I was once visited by a man, not long separated from his partner who’d treated him dreadfully. He was left traumatized, broke and...
Why Things Go Wrong and How to Prosper and Heal when they do!

Why Things Go Wrong and How to Prosper and Heal when they do!

“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”” Wayne Dyer The teachers in life: I was...