Angelic Alchemy MasterClass Video with Rachel Scoltock

Are you ready for massive growth? Transformation and alignment, deep spiritual connection and prosperity? This master class is just a taste of what you can do to change your energy and your frequency. My Rich Angelic Alchemy Program is a one off 6 part digital online...

A Potent Archangel Manifesting Ritual for You

Invoke the power of the Archangels to change your life I am typing this as soft spring rain tumbles from a grey Australian sky.  Today is the September full moon synchronizing with the Equinox, both potent times for healing and manifesting. This is a PERFECT time to...
Do your Dreams Seem Out of Reach ?

Do your Dreams Seem Out of Reach ?

Unleash your Magic When your manifestations seem delayed or out of reach! Have you been asking the Divine for SOMETHING OR SOMEONE for what seems like centuries without success? Or maybe you are praying for a healing in a relationship, your health or at work and with...

Manifesting the Money you Need

A few weeks ago I had a moment of panic. Buyers regret: I’d bought something very desirable and expensive on my credit card. It’s been a while since I even used the card, it was just easiest at the time. I hate having a debt of any kind. This comes from...