Could You Be Clairsentient?

Could You Be Clairsentient?

One of the pivotal moments of my life was when I finally understood that I wasn’t just over-sensitive. There was a name for my extreme sensitivity, empathy and my ability to feel, see and sense things other people couldn’t. Clairsentience....
Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are

Do you ever feel that you’ve lost connection with your true self? As if somehow between your challenges & heartaches you can temporarily forget who you are and why you are even here? Your true self is your Soul-self. It’s the bigger part of you which...
Is It Destiny?

Is It Destiny?

Receiving clear messages from your angels doesn’t mean you suddenly become a fortune teller, peering into the future to see when and if your dreams will come true. 🔮 Thank HEAVENS! How boring would it be if everything was already planned and laid out? We...
How to Invoke an Angel

How to Invoke an Angel

Every month I run a Q and A on Instagram stories about the angels and archangels. One question I am asked all the time is how to invoke their presence. To invoke means to summon or invite, and it is true that to call  angels and archangels to assist you, you must...
A Miracle on The Worst of Days

A Miracle on The Worst of Days

Right at the beginning of Australia’s lockdown when Covid didn’t seem real yet, we’d just come out of the worst bushfires in history and my trip to the UK to see my mum, my sister & her family was cancelled. I’ve never felt so far away (or...
Trust Divine Orchestration Is At Work

Trust Divine Orchestration Is At Work

Is it time to start trusting Divine Orchestration & the power of synchronicity to help make your dreams come true? We so often get caught up in HOW our desires are going to work out. Worrying about how can make you feel as if what you want isn’t going to...