How to Invoke Your Angels for Guidance, Protection, and Healing

Angel, Archangels, Manifest

When you seek help from your angels, it’s essential to understand the importance of invocation. Due to the Law of Free Will, angels cannot intervene in your life unless you ask them. This universal law ensures that they respect your choices and autonomy. While your guardian angels are always by your side, ready to assist, they need your explicit invitation to act on your behalf.

What Is Invocation?

To invoke means to summon or invite. There are many ways to do this—through prayer, affirmation, thought, or visualization. The key is being clear and intentional with your request.

Invocation prayers are particularly powerful because they focus your mind and send a direct signal to the angels that you are open to their help. You can speak these prayers aloud, say them silently, or even write them out. But, the most effective invocations are those spoken from the heart, with full attention and intention.

How to Invoke Your Angels

When invoking, remember that your words, thoughts, and intentions are powerful. A half-hearted invocation, where your mind is distracted by daily tasks, won’t carry the same potency as one made with sincere focus. The angels respond to the energy behind your words.

“Dear angels, I ask for your presence and intervention today, please stay with me for guidance, protection, and support. Amen”

Here’s a simple invocation you can use to call on Archangel Michael for assistance:

“I invite the presence of Archangel Michael to connect directly with me and illuminate my power. I wish to manifest/heal (state your desire). Please guide me, release my blocks, and show me signs that you have heard my prayer. Amen.”

Feel free to say this aloud, write it out on beautiful paper, or even type it on your phone. The important part is to infuse it with your full intention.

The Power of Invocation

Invocation is not just about calling in your angels; it’s about activating your own power. Through these prayers, you align yourself with the energy of the angels, setting the stage for transformation and healing. Be prepared for positive changes once you invite their presence into your life.

Your Words Have Power

As you invoke your angels, remember that the words you use—both in prayer and in everyday life—are incredibly potent. They can build barriers or break them down, summon beauty or create obstacles. So, be mindful of the energy you send out, and consciously choose words and thoughts that reflect your highest desires.

With regular invocation, you’ll deepen your connection to your angels, empowering yourself to live with more purpose, peace, and clarity.

Angel Blessings.

Rachel Scoltock is a leading Angel Medium, Spiritual Teacher, and Author with over 2 decades as a professional, Rachel can help you to connect with your angels, open your intuition and discover the guidance you are seeking.

Rachel offers transformational programs and classes in angel communication and psychic development, attunements and activations to raise your vibration and heal your energy, and private 1-1 sessions to guide you on the right path for you.

Want to deepen your angelic connection and discover the guidance and healing waiting for you? 

Here are 4 ways I can help you :

1- Join one of my Angel Attunement and Activation classes- These monthly events are a chance to gather and connect with your angels for transformational angelic energy clearing & healing, experience the angels and their presence, to open your intuitive connection, and work with the angels to discover your next steps. Go here to find out about the next angel event

2- Sign up for my free Angel Masterclass to learn how to hear the angels and their messages.

3- Are you ready to drop the fear and step into your dreams to work as an angel communicator and healer? Join the Angel Communication Practitioner Program: Open your intuitive gifts and learn to communicate with the angels through reading the angel oracle cards and channeling their messages.

4-Read my book My Life with Angels How to Access the Healing and Wisdom of the Angels available on amazon

5- Are you looking for some private angelic guidance or healing? Get in touch. OR check out my readings



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