The Cure for FOMO

The Cure for FOMO

Have you ever had FOMO? The fear that comes up when you feel you are missing out on life? Maybe you see someone who seems to have their life together; they’re successful, happy, following their dreams in a way that you would like to do. But instead of being...
Is It Destiny?

Is It Destiny?

Receiving clear messages from your angels doesn’t mean you suddenly become a fortune teller, peering into the future to see when and if your dreams will come true. 🔮 Thank HEAVENS! How boring would it be if everything was already planned and laid out? We...
The Angel Orchestra

The Angel Orchestra

I used to live in a tiny run down cottage among tall gum trees, it was a gorgeous little place with no neighbours. I was studying as an overseas student in Australia, working 2 part time jobs and wondering what I was going to do with my life after I graduated. I was...
Why Grounding Will Change Your Life

Why Grounding Will Change Your Life

When I first set foot on the spiritual path I completely ignored the basic lesson of grounding. My teachers (& guides) told me repeatedly that I needed to ground myself before I could advance my gifts. But I resisted, again and again. To me, grounding seemed...

Manifesting the Money you Need

A few weeks ago I had a moment of panic. Buyers regret: I’d bought something very desirable and expensive on my credit card. It’s been a while since I even used the card, it was just easiest at the time. I hate having a debt of any kind. This comes from...