Getting in the Guidance Zone

Getting in the Guidance Zone

What if you could get some definitive guidance for your life right now? Something that would really shift you into a more confident, secure, and happy place? Would you accept it? In this article I will take you through a simple process to get you in the guidance zone...
Are your Angels Nudging You?

Are your Angels Nudging You?

Are your angels nudging you? An angel nudge is micro- guidance which urges you to make small but significant changes to your life. These messages arrive as repeated, niggling thoughts, ideas and feelings which won’t go away. In fact they can get stronger the...
Connect with The Sacred Within

Connect with The Sacred Within

I am finally back in Australia! It was a busy trip, so being home has given me a chance to process and review the wonderful time I had in the UK. The sacred sites I visited in England gave me so much inspiration, clarity and the peace I needed to make decisions and...