My Most Amazing Angel Intervention

“Be not inhospitable to strangers, lest they be angels in disguise.” George Whitman My most amazing Angel Intervention: The train ride to Sydney was long and slow. Nine hours later I arrived, a friend collected me from the station, but 9am Monday morning I...
How to Make Great Decisions

How to Make Great Decisions

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost- The Road not Taken. Each decision we make determines our life path… scary huh? So how are  you when it comes to making...
Are you Awake?

Are you Awake?

Everything that happens to you is an opportunity to grow spiritually and emotionally. When you are fully awake then life becomes a little easier and a lot more interesting. When you are awake you even see problems as spiritual teachers If not, you will think that the...
3 Ways to Stop Missing Your Signs and let the Divine in.

3 Ways to Stop Missing Your Signs and let the Divine in.

Are you living how you want to live? Is this what you imagined for yourself? What would you change if you had the money, support and it was easy? What if the Divine has a better plan for you, in your work, finances relationships, home, your health or something else? I...