How To Find Your Power in Times of Struggle

Have you been questioning yourself lately? The recent energy shifts combined with personal life challenges have brought up some strong fears and emotions for many. This past month of eclipses have shaking us on a deep level. You are not alone if you have been feeling...

The Video reading August 28th- September 4th 2017

Here is your angel inspirational video and reading for the week ahead. Today I get really honest about my readings plus there is a rose quartz healing for your heart and some wise advice from the angels about how to get through any feelings of heaviness you have...
You Can Manifest The Life that you Want

You Can Manifest The Life that you Want

You can manifest the life that you want, read how I did and how you can too. If you are anything like me, you hate feeling stuck and far off from what you want in your life. It is so frustrating to be in that place of knowing where you want to be and not being sure...