Life Get’s Easier When You Know This.

You have been criticizing yourself for years and that has not worked, try approving of yourself and see what happens. Louise Hay I’d let my yoga practice slip and today, when I noticed my head was not getting halfway close to my knee, I began to chide myself....
When you feel not good enough, you are mistaken!

When you feel not good enough, you are mistaken!

You are always enough, you are more wonderful and lovable and capable than you will ever know. Just because you think you are lacking- or someone else says so, does not make it true. It is all perspective. I made this delightful discovery recently: I was really down...

What I learned about Energy from Wild Sea Lions!

I just did this crazy wonderful last minute trip to swim with sea lions! I traveled about 15 hours to get to this distant beautiful peninsula  teaming with sea life, where this bucket list event could take place. Our boat was filled with a lovely bunch, united in our...
You Can Manifest The Life that you Want

You Can Manifest The Life that you Want

You can manifest the life that you want, read how I did and how you can too. If you are anything like me, you hate feeling stuck and far off from what you want in your life. It is so frustrating to be in that place of knowing where you want to be and not being sure...