Video reading for 18th – 25th September 2017

Here is this weeks angel inspiration video reading with Rachel – There is a lot going on at the moment, and it can be overwhelming and challenging. The angels are speaking directly to your experiences in this reading..have you been questioning yourself and your...

How To Find Your Power in Times of Struggle

Have you been questioning yourself lately? The recent energy shifts combined with personal life challenges have brought up some strong fears and emotions for many. This past month of eclipses have shaking us on a deep level. You are not alone if you have been feeling...

Rachel’s Weekly Video Reading 5th-12th June 2017

Get ready for some much needed changes! Here is this week;s angel inspiration reading for June 5th- 12th 2017. An lovely week where the angels are very close for you. Peace and gentleness are going to be more effective than pushing anything. If chaos threatens to...