I love to offer you tools and resources to help you to heal and transform your life with the help of the angels.
Angels and archangels can bring so much into our lives: messages and guidance, spiritual and physical protection and profound healing…

Each archangel represents an archetype or an aspect of how the Divine Source gives to the world, so it makes sense that these powerful channels for Spiritual energy can help with every area of our lives, bringing with them the lessons and wisdom for us to learn how to interact with the Universe.

After 15 years of working closely with the Divine archangel realm I have learned so many amazing ways to invoke their transformation and healing for myself and my clients. Whenever I am in a tough spot in life I make sure to take time to ask and receive their miracles.

Healing for your finances with Archangel Ariel
Archangel Ariel represents the infinite abundance of the Divine God Feminine. Her symbols are the lioness and the cornucopia of gold. A fierce, bright angel with golden flowing hair, skin and eyes she connects us to the building blocks of energy that create the material world. With her help  you can learn to attract your material needs, she teaches you to recognize the abundance of nature so if you feel drawn to go on hikes or sit in the park it is Ariel’s influence. She can heal your finances, bring emergency $$$, and shift you out of hand to mouth living.. she teaches that the Divine supply is infinite and you are worthy of it.

Abundance Healing: Light a candle or go outside to a tree and invoke Archangel Ariel by politely requesting for her presence. Sit quietly and tell her what you would like to create in your life. Be honest , she is very natural and appreciates your openness. Ask for her angelic energy healing to adjust your vibration to the frequency of prosperity. Sit in meditation and visualize her golden light flowing from above, within and around you. She will deliver guidance through images, inner nudges and ideas. Make her an offering such as flowers, fruit or shiny pennies to thank her in advance for your abundance!

Healing for negative thoughts with Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel represents the powerful light of the Divine-illumination and enlightenment, he brings the light as a flame or a torch to burn away negatives and a lack of faith. A monk like angel he heals your mind to fill you with faith and self belief and assists you in forgiving yourself and others so you can cleanse your thoughts of worry and resentment. He focuses on healing for the greater good, as you heal – so your healing will have a ripple effect on the planet.
Light a white or golden candle and Invoke Archangel Uriel formally and ask for him to guide you. Let him know that you re serious about shifting your mindset and that you will work closely with him. If you commit he will be with you until you are transformed. To begin tell him about how your mind has been thinking uncontrollable negative thoughts., describe where you feel you need the most help ( ie releasing resentment to the past worries, or stopping judgment) Then wait because he may have his own ideas, he will draw your attention to how your thoughts are sabotaging your happiness. Then sit in meditation and ask for a mind healing. Uriel will adjust your mindset and remove toxic energies and even painful memories that are commanding your attention. Allow the light of this powerful archangel to bathe your mind and head. Be aware of book suggestions, ideas that come to you for affirmations and even courses that will help you to shift your mindset. Uriel likes you to be proactive so he will really help you if you start a new course or  set new goals.

Releasing dark and damaging energies from your life with Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael, probably the most famous Archangel,  a symbol of Divine protection and the warrior in the battle between good and evil: love and fear in our lives and in the world. He carries a flaming sword . Think “The Rock” in flashing armor with flowing hair and fiery eyes. Archangel Michael will help you to remove the “demons” from your life and relationships cutting away the conflict, hurt, and pain. So many people are trapped in a cycle of suffering because of  unhappy relationships and past traumas that keep them  immobilized! It feels impossible to heal and create happiness with these kind of cords. . Archangel Michael is like an inferno when you are ready to let go, he will melt, cut and rip out those cords and leave you feeling peaceful and free. Your relationships can heal by cutting the fear that stand like boulders between you and your loved one.

Invoke and be ready to swelter! Archangel Michael please come to me now, I am ready to cut the cords of fear between myself and ……. please free me of all negative links, mentally, emotionally and in all ways ( Breathe deeply and be determined to let it go. No more victim thinking in this Archangel’s presence!)

I recently visited a recording studio and with some awesome musical help created an intensive new Cut the Cords with Archangel Michael Meditation Session available now on my website. This is the next best thing to a healing session, use it time and again to clear your energy.

PS this week’s amazing artwork is Michael the Archangel by David Myers if you google his name you will find how to purchase his art.

Upcoming Events with Rachel
Meditation: Thursday  24th August, 6pm- 7.30pm  at The Divine Soul Centre, Nambucca Heads join me for the Angel meditation and healing session. all welcome $20 on the door. BYO cushion/ mat and be ready for an amazing relaxing and healing experience.

Intuitive Angel and Energy Training 2017/8 Join me on November 4th/ 5th 2017 and February 10th / 11th 2018 
During 2 incredibly inspirational weekends and 8 easy access audio / video classes Rachel will demonstrate how to heal yourself and others with her innovative and fresh approach to healing.

This workshop is invaluable for anyone who wants an in-depth experience of  working with Angels and Energy. By participating in this workshop, you will find greater happiness,spiritual connection healing and uncover your hidden psychic potential.
Easy payment plan available pay a small deposit to secure your place. contact me for more information


Do you need clarity, guidance and healing? Are you feeling stuck I love to help and to bring you your angel’s guidance, deep lasting energy healing and insights for your situation book here for an accurate, loving and healing reading session. Or book a skype or in person healing session with me

Angel Blessings
Rachel xx
Angel Medium, Intuitive Energy Therapist, Author
Contact: rachel@rachelscoltock.com
Mobile: 0434243984
send me a message



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