I just finished a group meditation from my home. I cleared the living room of furniture, lit some candles and then invoked the angels ready for the evening. My meditation sessions are one of the loveliest parts of the work that I do. The angels work through me to bring healing and guidance to everyone in the room. I usually have very little idea about what the angels are going to do and say, I channel their message and the healing that takes place. I am always surprised at what comes through. Tonight was no different!

Tonight the focus was on healing and opening the heart and I just had to share part of the angel’s message with you :

We your angels respectfully ask that you release to us all that hardens and hides your heart from the world. We know that you feel vulnerable revealing your open, unprotected heart, however, we see that the shields that you place there are made from fear, hurt and defensiveness and while we understand, we wish to alert you that these energies do nothing to protect you from further harm but in fact attract it!

A cluttered and unhealed heart feels sadness, anger, loneliness and stress more easily than an open clear heart. You attract the very emotions you wish to avoid.

When you release the pain from these wounds you will also absorb the wisdom and love that will defend you from future suffering.  With an open unfettered heart you will hear our guidance and your intuition more clearly. You will show yourself more compassion, appreciation and love and your glowing heart light will attract more loving peaceful people towards you. You will love and appreciate yourself more and find it easier to let go of slights.

The shadows of past heartaches and fear which close a heart down, gradually numb you to truly loving yourself and others, and feeling the fullness of life. Your heart is your energetic door way to receiving the good in life.
It is our deepest desire to bring more peace and Love into your life in anyway your heart desires!
Please breathe deeply and give us permission to remove those lower energies from your heart. We can lift them away quickly leaving you clear and open, free of the pain of life. We will work with you as you sleep if you ask, and tomorrow you will wake feeling lighter.
We love and protect you always. Your Angels
Channeled 18/4/2017 by Rachel Scoltock

My Next Meditation session with the Angels is at the Divine Soul Centre Nambucca Heads: Wednesday 19th April at 6pm,- 7.15pm  for a deep cleansing Archangel Michael Meditation to clear and heal the effects of negativity and other people’s ego energy ! $20 on the door, all are welcome.

Thank you so much for being here!
This weeks video reading is here
single question readings are discounted this week get in touch if you would like one $60 rachel@rachelscoltock.com
My angels at Uluru workshop is on sale for Yulara and NT residents for a limited time.
Thank you with love and Angel Blessings
Rachel Scoltock xx


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