A worried mind causes more than a wrinkled brow and gray hairs and it does nothing to solve the problems that we actually worry about!
I don’t mind admitting I was a worry wort from way back, I’ve got a decent frown line to prove it and while I do occasionally drift back into old habits, for the most part there is a lovely big space in my mind where worry used to live. As an Angel medium and healer I teach other people how to release their worries. Worry is an unhealthy and destructive habit that conflicts with our desire to create peace and harmony in our lives.
So why do we do it?
Many people believe that thinking of potential problems before they might happen protects them, this is a mistaken belief. By now we all know that we create what we think about through the laws of attraction so it is time to break that worry habit!
Here are five angel guided ways to give up worry for good:
- Imagine you have two friends who call you each morning. one friend tells you all the possible things that could go wrong in your day, and the other buddy calls you to encourage you, offer you support and predict happy outcomes. Your worried mind is just like friend number one killing your buzz and draining your energy every day with horrible ideas: Use your imagination to visualize a best case scenario rather than a worst case scenario and you’ll immediately have more energy and fun! Worry is a misuse of the imagination, projecting fear based ideas into the future where you could be creating something beautiful.
- Give up stimulants- over use of caffeine and sugar can contribute to mental tension and anxiety that can cause worry. Ask your angels to help you to release your attachment to unhealthy substances so you can have a clear mind and more control over your thoughts.
- Pray– prayer is actually a powerful technology that works. You don’t have to kneel and clasp your hands, only focus your thoughts on asking for help with your concerns. Seeing a peaceful outcome helps too.. When you pray you give permission to the forces of light and good to intervene in whatever you are praying for. This is more needed now than ever in our world and personal lives. Prayer takes the wind out of worry’s sails and gives you back your power because you are taking action rather than sitting in fear. Prayer works miracles both on your mind and on the issue. there are so many studies and books written about the power of prayer. invoking Angels and the Divine to any situation helps you to know that you are not alone and allows for worry to become redundant.
- Meditate! For me meditation creates space, those precious few moments each day, make all the difference between having a cluttered complaining mind and being able to rise above seeming problems and staying calm. Meditation switches the mind into a slower rhythm and releases toxic stress chemicals as it opens you up to guidance. If Prayer is speaking to the Divine then meditation is the listening part!
- Surrender: Not the “hands up, drop the wine and back away” kind of surrender! When you are worried the best thing you can do is to hand over your fears and concerns to a Higher Power. The act of surrender goes against everything your ego fear mind stands for. It loves nothing more than to hold tightly to any problem and strangle the breath out of it. Which is kind of what worry feels like right? Control! When you surrender, the key is to trust the angels to take over, while you give away the need to worry because deep down you know that it’s not working. The act of letting go, allows for natural flow, healing and other positive energies to take over.
Here is a simple prayer to invoke, surrender and let go.
Dear Angels, Divine Spirit, I now give to you all of my concerns and emotions about …. tell the angels what you want help with (not how)
I am now ready to give up trying to control this with my mind. I am willing to release worries and fears to you, please help me to create peace within and around me. I ask for your assistance with bringing about the most peaceful, healed outcome to this situation. Thank you angels for guiding and protecting me and all concerned.
And so it is. Amen.
If you can, imagine a best case scenario to help train your mind away from fear.
PS A message from the angels : Dear ones, we ask that you understand your true power and please send prayers of peace and harmony when you see and hear about the world situations causing concern on the news. Your prayers draw an immense amount of light and when combined with other’s can bring about changes. Peace is the only antidote to fear and it’s grip on humanity. We will assist you in bringing about the peaceful outcome to all your prayers. You are not alone. Your angels.
Next Meditation at the Divine Soul Centre Nambucca Heads: Wednesday 19th April at 6pm,- 7.15pm Archangel Michael Blue Light Meditation to clear and heal ! $20 on the door.
This weeks video reading is here
Thank you with love and Angel Blessings
Rachel Scoltock xx
Angel Medium
Intuitive Energy Therapist
Author and Teacher
Contact: rachel@rachelscoltock.com
Mobile: 0434243984
Book a detailed distance reading or a powerful Healing session with Rachel At rachelscoltock.com or send me a message https://rachelscoltock.com/