Are You Open To Signs From Your Angels?

Angel messages, Guidance, Spiritual Awakening

Are you open to signs from your angels?

Your angelic guides love to send you signs, the more creative and helpful the better!

Too often people dismiss signs by second guessing them as “just a coincidence”.

Doubt comes from EGO, the part of you that Edges God Out of everything.

But what if you could receive a sign so unmistakeable and clear that you never doubted again?

Asking for a Sign from Your Angels

Our angels  send us their signs to let us know they’re near. Read more about the typical angel signs here.

However, rather than waiting for a sign from your angels, what if you requested a specific sign that gave you the answers you need?

Asking for a pre-determined sign in answer to a question, gives your angels the ability to help you.

For instance you can request that your angels send you a specific flower, animal, or symbol to help you to make a decision.

Here are some simple prayers you can use to request an unmistakeable sign from your angels:

Dear Angels, please send me a (symbol/sign) if this decision to (fill in the blank) is right for me. Send me a ( different symbol/sign) if it is not right for me. Thank you.

Dear Angels please send me a clear, unmistakeable sign of your presence today. I am open! Thank you. (prepare to be surprised)

Dear Angels, I would love you to send me a special sign of a (fill in the blank) when you are around me. I am open to this sign coming in perfect and creative ways. Thank you!

Don’t Force The Sign!

Recently I asked my angels to send me a dolphin🐬 to affirm that a decision was right for me, and I requested a target 🎯if it was a no.

Right after asking,  I started to scroll Instagram, and then I realized I was trying to force my sign so I put my phone down.

(When you try to make your sign happen or control when and how the sign is delivered, you block your angels.)

Half an hour later my phone dinged.🤳🏻 There was a text message with a video of wild dolphins from a family member.


So, how did I know this was really a sign from my angels and not just a coincidence?

Because of the timing, perfect synchronicity, and unusual delivery. (Come on!! What are the chances?)

To open to signs from your angels treat it as an experiment. Choose a sign or symbol, picture it, and clearly ask that your angels send it to you.

Set aside doubt long enough to ask and receive for signs, this will open the doors to more faith and unmistakeable signs from your angels.

Here are some ways I can help you to open to receive more messages from your angels:

Every month I hold Angel Attunement Classes focused on releasing your intuitive blocks, fears and anything that hold you back. You learn new spiritual wisdom and receive a deep angelic healing to enhance your gifts and keep you aligned. You can join my monthly Angel Attunement Classes Here

Want to help others? Doors Are Opening soon: Angel Communication Practitioner Training is my comprehensive training for anyone who wants to develop their psychic gifts, and learn to communicate with the angels to bring through messages for themselves and others. Doors open soon go here to learn more

Read my bookMy Life with Angels. How to Access the Healing and Wisdom of the Angels: you can find it on Amazon, any online bookstore. Go here to find out more

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel Medium, Author, and Spiritual Teacher



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