“At times our light goes out and is rekindled by another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”

Albert Schweitzer

Today I dedicate this newsletter with Love to Dr Wayne Dyer, who passed away last night in his home in Maui.With a miraculous story of how I came to meet him last week.

I went to see this incredible spiritual teacher and author speak in Melbourne only last week. He was glowing with light & it was an experience I will always be grateful for.

The fact that I was there was a miracle itself. Whilst in Uluru in June I prayed and asked for  a sign – should I go and see Dr Dyer in Melbourne.Let me point out here that I was second guessing my desire to go because I was thinking “do I really deserve to have another trip away!?”

I was posting pics of the sacred rock all over instagram at that time, and within a few hours a message popped up from Dr Wayne Dyer himself “Namaste”  A rare instance from a man who has over 2 million followers!

“Miracles come in moments , be ready and willing”
Dr Wayne Dyer

I did meet him and I looked into his sparkling eyes and gave him a gift with my gratitude and a hug! He was gracious, smiling, present and warm.

A couple of years ago I was struggling to find and regain my own inner light after a traumatic set of events. I ” coincidentally” rediscovered Dr Wayne Dyer through his audio books, he was offering on facebook. I played them constantly. His loving voice, his Divinely directed ideas and his down to earth humor, lifted me up and rekindled my light and my passion for life and this work of raising human consciousness.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Dr Wayne Dyer

You see Dr Wayne Dyer taught and wrote so much wisdom and truth but what made him stand out above so many others for me is that he came from Love. His passion for writing and speaking about Divine truth is palpable in all that he does as is his Love towards everyone. I understand now that no matter what else is going on that Divine Love is the key to manifesting, healing, learning anything.

If I could distill what Dr Wayne has taught me, I would say it is to truly understand  who I really am. That I am (as you are) an infinite spiritual being. I AM LIGHT!

When you and I act  and think from Love, we are allowing  Divine Source energy to flow through us, and manifest, align us with all that we really desire and need. We only keep that love from ourselves each day by living, acting and thinking from the fear mind: the EGO.

When I read the post from Dr Wayne Dyer’s family early this morning, I felt an inner knowing as tears of gratitude, Love AND grief sprung to my eyes. I had an instant recognition that EVERYTHING is perfect, Divinely orchestrated.

I remembered some of his statements from that weekend and how even more poignantly they now resonate:

A woman asked him what she should do, her friend had died that day. He said “Celebrate”

Today i feel all his lessons sinking in with a brand new one, I will never again check myself when I feel that inner desire to do something that is meaningful to my heart and soul.  Shame and fear of judgment or mocking from others, fear of being or having “too much” has long plagued me when I chase my dreams.
No more! Life is short, glorious and meant to be lived from the heart!

Dr Wayne Dyer certainly lived his life fully and with an open loving heart, in spite of many trials. We can all do the same. It is after all our choice!

I am praying for his family who surely must be so sad & grieving his presence. I am sending love and gratitude to his spirit! I Love you Dr Wayne Dyer, thank you for your service to the world.

I AM Rachel xxx


I am so looking forward to going to Tamworth this Weekend for the

Communicate With Your Guardian Angels Yoga and Angel Therapy Workshop on THIS Saturday 5th September 2015 Tamworth ZEN  Body and Mind, 277 Peel Street from 2.30pm-5.30pm

Tickets are selling fast book here A few hours left on early bird!!!
Spend an hour learning the mudras and simple poses that relax you and open your third eye chakra the centre for psychic visions and intuitive guidance from Charlie Abra. Then learn the seven steps to connecting to and communicating with Divine angels, the gentle loving guides and protectors who walk beside you. Then be guided into an energy clearing deep meditation to meet and receive a message from your guardian angel and guide.

This is a safe and protected, simple class that is about YOU, your personal growth and healing and your journey, so during these 3 hours you are not required to work shop the exercises in pairs but by yourself. It is a personal experiential class.
Come relax and open yourself to Love!

BYO Mat, SOCKS, CUSHION, Blanket, and water, afternoon tea provided. Spaces limited,
Love and angel blessings Rachel x


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