You are always enough, you are more wonderful and lovable and capable than you will ever know. Just because you think you are lacking- or someone else says so, does not make it true. It is all perspective.

I made this delightful discovery recently: I was really down on myself about my online presence, others had suggested it was a “mess”. So I began checking out other people’s web pages and brands and comparing, til I had a crises! What was I doing? No “brand”, oh God look at that picture, oh boy, my copy is a bit long winded.It never gets to the point.. blah blah. Followed by shame, embarrassment & anxiety.

I interviewed a few lovely marketing & business people to help me out with my dreadful messy brand and all of them came back and told me I was doing a good job, that between Facebook, instagram, this newsletter, the website, videos etc that I had a good brand ( who knew!) and short of a few tweaks I should keep doing what I am doing.

Well…how funny, I was so focused on what I did not have that I could not see what I already had was awesome.

It caused me to reflect a bit, it is hard sometimes to objectively see your own life and work. However I also realized that practically every bit of marketing targeting small business, suggests that I am not even on the playing field.. unless I am earning 6 figures, working from a far off tropical beach , and getting 10000 new customers a day.

We are all subject to this kind of do more, have more, be more perspective and perhaps this is why it is too easy to lose our inner peace and feel not enough. It’s horrible! Because in truth we are all already enough. We are created whole and complete, we have the tools inside to perceive that and to create or attract that which we need. But it is not a mathematical equation, more of whatever does not make us whole, we are already whole.

I read an interesting study the other day that found that people in Western Countries USA, UK and Australia were not as happy as those from poorer countries around the world

The Author deduced that this was because our society is programed to strive for more and more and as a result we constantly compare ourselves to others who seem better off than us, more successful, and seem to have more of the things we perceive to contribute to happiness.( but don’t)

 I realized that the pressure to achieve, have and do is damaging our ability to be present and grateful.

It ultimately comes down to a perception that we are somehow lacking in someway, missing something that if found or purchased will lead to happiness.

To me this attitude is becoming like a virus, it is pretty hard to avoid it, from well meaning questions about career, marital status and kids to the bombardment on social media.

The simple medicine is Gratitude it works! To really count your blessings, take time each day to see, feel and understand what you actually DO HAVE, what you have achieved from a perspective of success not failure, is an amazing, life changing practice.

This perspective will do far more to energize your dreams and cheer you on than the fear of not having, doing or being enough.

Gratefulness is the single most healing, grounding and mindful exercise that you can do. It will change your life because it changes the way you see yourself and the world. Try it!

I challenge you to a 7 day gratitude project- with the intention of changing your life, by changing your perspective. Choose at least 5 things each day that you count as blessings in your life, be creative, and gather these thoughts in your day, if you like write them down before bed and do so in a mindful way or think about how you feel about these experiences, items or people. This is not a quick list but way to savor the moment and understand the blessing. My one disclaimer is do not try to be grateful for things that you are not grateful for. False people pleasing gratitude does not work!! Be honest!

I would love to know how gratitude goes for you, and what changes you notice as a result.

Have a wonderful week- here is the video reading:

Contact me for an energy clearing Session  Let me help you to find clarity, clear away the negative debris, give you your Divine Guidance and the next steps for you

Rachel’s events and services

Do you dream of a spiritually based career in healing?
I am now taking applications for Intuitive Energy Therapist Training on the Mid North Coast and Gold Coast AND Sydney Area for 2016 /17

Certified Training to become an Intuitive Energy Therapist!
My intention is to train you to become high integrity, skilled, confident and happy healers with a practice that fully supports you!

Run over 4 weekends every 12 weeks, 4 evening online webinars, recordings,  mentoring, and support. No previous experience necessary, Includes training and powerful attunements in Reiki levels 1 to Masters, Sharp Intuitive development, Angelic Healing and Reading, Intuitive Energy Therapies and building your healing practice.  Starting August 2016

This is a certified 12 month program. Learn the tools, techniques and everything you need to know about Intuitive Energy Therapy

  • Intuitive Energy Therapy- clearing lower energies and healing your clients and yourself
  • Learning the Energy body and how to heal it
  • Angel Energy Therapy- Working with Angels in healing
  • Reiki Levels 1,2 and 3- if you already have them your course will be discounted.
  • Super sharp Intuitive Development- How to tune into your guidance and your clients
  • Releasing trauma, fear, & negative attachments
  • Angel card reading-
  • Energy Protection for healers- energy self care and staying balanced
  • Building your Healing Practice- practical, spiritual and wise advice for the how, why, what and who of your healing business
  • And so much more!

Email for information and to register interest Payment plans are available on application.
Don’t miss out, is this the year to follow your dreams?

With Love and blessings Rachel xx
Intuitive Energy Therapy Sessions
Angel Mediumship Readings
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Rachel Scoltock is an Intuitive Energy Therapist and Angel Medium. She transforms peoples lives by connecting them to their higher energy and releasing the blockages that are dragging their frequency down. She works with clients around the world through distance and in person consultations, seminars, retreats and classes.


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