When You Have to Make a Decision- Do this

Angel messages, Peace

Ego says:Once everything falls into place I can find peace, Spirit says: Find your  peace and everything will fall into place. Marianne Williamson

If you have been following me for a while, or have read my Angel book (My Life with Angels)  you will know that pure white feathers in your path are a sign that your angels are near.

When you pray for assistance from your angels, you may find a white feather in your path as a “hello we heard you”. These fluffy magical signs are often accompanied by a momentary feeling of deep inner peace, tingles and an inner knowing that you have been touched by Grace.

Feathers are a wonderful sign from above that can bring you comfort when you are feeling alone or lost. White feathers are associated with angels but you might also receive different coloured feathers too . ( here is an article I wrote about the meaning of coloured feathers)

Last weekend I was given an amazing spiritual sign which involved white feathers, but in a very unusual way.

I traveled to a tiny country town in Western NSW to see an Adam Brand concert. I treated myself to a stay in a gorgeous inn with a claw foot bath and a big bed.

Early in the morning, sitting up in the cozy bed with a cup of tea I had a conversation with my angels & Jesus, I needed help and healing with some things and I also asked for a clear sign that I was heard.

Hours later, in the beer garden waiting for the show to start, beneath the russet leaves of the grapevine I noticed a pure white dove sitting across the way.

AsI stared at this beauty, she seemed go glow with inner light and I immediately felt a deeply spiritual sensation of complete peace come over me.

I “knew” that dove was a sign and that it was about to fly over to me.

Within seconds,  the Dove took off and perched in the vines directly above my head, causing quite a chuckle among other audience members who all suspected I was about to be pooped on!

The Angel -Dove sat above me for the entire performance of about 3 hours, (and made no deposits).

I knew this was a very special message.

Doves are a Universal symbol of Peace, Love, Grace, Divinity and Purification.
For me it was a message to take the peaceful route and that I was Divinely protected and watched over.

It makes perfect sense to me now, I had to realign my goals, thoughts and dreams to match peace or else I was going to find myself wandering away from Heaven’s plan for me.

Peace is a choice we can all make which can instantly improve our lives.

No matter what your life situation and what amazing dreams and goals or challenges you have, I suggest that you make Peace your highest priority.

Angels carry Divine Peace to us each time we call on them, they only guide us in ways that will bring us peace and would never direct us to do anything that would bring drama, stress, danger or suffering of any kind.

You may have to go out of your comfort zone temporarily but ultimately your changes will bring you Peace in every life area.

If you think about it, if you have peace in your finances, your mind, love- life, career, health and family, you would be very happy.

Wealth, fame or love at the expense of inner peace are simply not worth it!

If ever you are stuck in a decision ask yourself which option brings you closer to peace rather than farther away from it?

Have a peacefilled week!
Angel Blessings Rachel x

PS The video reading is super enlightening this week, the angel energy is strong Go here

Rachel Scoltock is an Angel channel, Intuitive Energy Therapist, Spiritual Teacher and author of two books: Loving Your Sensitive Self- A guide for empaths, and My Life with Angels: How to access the healing and wisdom of the angels.
Contact Rachel at rachelscoltock.com

Rachel offers accurate and powerful readings and life changing energy therapy and guidance sessions HERE



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