The Ultimate Healer

Abundance, Angel messages

I had a beautiful moment over the weekend, I was sitting on my verandah pulling on my trainers to go for a walk when 2 Australian Wood-ducks waddled into my garden.

The National Park is almost at my fence and I see a lot of wildlife. I never take it for granted, I love birds and animals of all kinds.

The visiting ducks decided to have a preen and do some duck yoga on my lawn, so instead of walking I stayed and hung out with them.

I intuitively gave them a bowl of water, there is a drought here in Australia, and they got very excited, taking long drinks and splashing about.

Sitting there at sunset with my two new friends,I had the most peaceful moment I’ve experienced for weeks.

I felt my energy shift to a meditative state.

The to-do list, worries, niggling fears about world events and the constant decisions to-be-made felt far away and less important.

Afterwards, everything felt more do-able and clear.

So it didn’t surprise me that today’s angel message is about Peace. 

It is such an underrated and valuable commodity that any of us can access at any moment.

We can all decide to switch off from the “gram” Facebook, News, reality TV and whatever else is muscling it’s way into your awareness, stealing your focus and peace of mind.

The barrage of commercials, tear based television and the nagging sensation that we should be doing MORE, can be overwhelming and utterly exhausting at times.

It is all a call to find PEACE.

Peace is your Divine Right, it’s the ultimate healer and it will also bring all that you need to you- just ask for peace in your finances, your relationships, your career, your health.

Fear, struggle and stress will never attract what you want. If It doesn’t feel good, it’s not attracting good to you! 

A prayer for peace will bring the highest outcome possible in all ways, and it will bring it to you with out drama or struggle. 

Watch this week’s video  to find out what the angels have to say about Peace and staying in your power and connected with your intuition. 

And in the meantime,  take a few deep breaths, slow down and make an intention to bring more peace in your life.

You might have some feathered visitors pop in to show you how it is done! 😇🦆🦆

Angel Blessings
PS I’ve got an exciting new course coming soon to help you to dissolve your barriers to success and abundance, and open your Divine Channel to money, purpose and love. Keep an eye out 👀😇🕉


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