Your angels have guidance for you… All you need is to learn how to hear them.

Watch my free masterclass to learn how

Are you Ready to Turn up Your Inner Light?

Learn to hear your angels, switch on your intuition, and discover your guidance!

Hello, Beautiful Soul!

I’m Rachel Scoltock, Angel Medium, Psychic Development teacher, and Angel Communication Expert with 2 decades behind me as a full time professional.

I am passionate about helping you to fully shine your light so you can hear your angels and share your purpose with the world.

I can help you to let go of the blocks that keep you feeling small and stuck and show you how to safely open your intuitive gifts to communicate with and hear the messages from your angels.

I hold transformational, loving space in my courses, classes, channeled meditations and sessions so you can find direction, clarity, answers, and your purpose.

Whether you’re new to connecting with angels or you’re ready to expand your gifts and guide others, my classes, practitioner certification,  mentoring and other psychic services online will help you find the right path.

The angels have powerful messages, healing, and crystal clear guidance waiting for you.

It’s time to listen, so you can fully shine your inner light!

Angel blessings,

Rachel ✨


Rachel Scoltock in kitchen holding a mug and wearing a terracotta coloured dress

  Your Journey with The Angels Begins Here With Angel Medium Rachel Scoltock

Angel Communication Expert, Spiritual Business Mentor, and Psychic Development Teacher.

Connecting you with Your Angels and Your Purpose.

Everyone has the power to communicate with their angels, receive clear guidance, and develop their intuitive abilities. I can help you to unlock your spiritual gifts overcome your fears, to create a brighter more purposeful life.

  Do You Want Guidance from Your Angels?

You can book a private Reading with me and other psychic services online such as my Spiritual Business Mentoring Program and Healing Sessions.

Ready for more? Let me show you how to tune in and receive your own angelic guidance through my Angel Practitioner Training, Psychic Development Classes and Channeled Angel Attunement Sessions​.


Here’s a Few Ways We Can Work Together:

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How to Hear Your Angels: Free Masterclass

In this fascinating and insightful video class you will learn the secrets to hearing and seeing your angels and how to understand the signs and messages they have for you

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Angel Attunements & Activations:

 These are magical monthly Zoom sessions to attune and connect deeply with the angels and archangels through channeled meditations designed to clear lower energies. These group sessions are for anyone ready to raise your vibration and activate your spiritual gifts.

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Become an Angel Communication Practitioner

Are you ready to turn your inner light up to full power? Learn the skills to receive and share the angels’ messages and healing with others A training certification program to develop your psychic abilities and expertly communicate with the angels. 

Words from our Community


A very powerful energy gathers with Rachel’s Angel Attunement Events. They deepen my connection with the angelic realm. As a spiritual psychic, Rachel is authentic and holds the space with her heart open, and the angelic frequencies flow from the first moment. It is exquisite to be part of these attunements.

-Tash, Australia

The Angel Communication Practitioner Program is so informative and inspiring. The insight and information helped me move forward with confidence and trust in my path. I can do my angel work now from a place of honesty, integrity, and absolute faith in the Divine and the Angels. Rachel encouraged me to believe in myself and my gifts and helped me find my passion and life purpose.
-Nicki James, NSW

Discover Rachel’s Books:

The must-have book for sensitive souls and empaths

Do you struggle with feeling depleted and overwhelmed with energy? This guide is full of client stories and original strategies to help you protect your energy and harness your inner power as an empath, it’s not just a vision for what your life could feel like… it’s your roadmap to get you there.

Watch this week’s Angel Message: