The Guardian Angels, Who They Are and How They Help You

Angel, Angel messages, Angels

The Guardian Angels: Who They Are and How They Help You

Do you ever wonder about your guardian angels—who they are, how they help, and why they’re by your side?

The truth is, everyone has guardian angels, no matter your beliefs, background, or where you come from. There’s nothing you need to do to earn their presence or assistance, and your angels will never give up on you. They’re with you for life, guiding, protecting, and healing without ever judging or leaving you behind.

Guardian Angels are your personal, loving guides sent directly from the Divine. Unlike humans, they have no ego and never pass judgment on your choices. Instead, they gently guide you on your soul’s journey, helping you stay aligned with your true purpose.

The word “angel” translates to “messenger of the Divine.” These Heavenly beings carry your prayers to Heaven and bring back Divine guidance, offering assistance in response to your requests. While we call them angels, other cultures refer to them as devas, ancestors, spirit guides, or winged beings of light—whatever the name, their mission remains the same: to help humanity.

How Guardian Angels Assist You

Your guardian angels are with you, right now. You have at least two guardian angels who have been with you since before your birth and will stay with you long after you leave your earthly body. They know you on a soul level, better than anyone else, and often send you signs, like white feathers, to remind you of their presence.

You can call on your angels for help with both big life decisions and smaller day-to-day matters. Whether you need clarity on a soul lesson, guidance on a major decision, or even help finding a parking space, your angels are there to assist.

Just ask: “Angels, please help me!”

And don’t feel guilty for asking. Angels love to help as long as your requests are sincere, and your intentions bring peace and healing to yourself or others. They are not here to serve your ego’s desires but to guide you toward fulfilling your highest purpose.

Free Will and How Angels Intervene

Your angels won’t intervene in your life without your permission—unless it’s a life-or-death situation. This is part of the spiritual law of Free Will. It’s up to you to ask for their help, whether out loud, in writing, or through silent prayer. You can ask for their guidance through heartfelt conversation or even a quick request like *“Angels, please show me the way.”*

Your angels aren’t here to control your life. You always have the freedom to follow their guidance—or not. They simply offer loving direction to help you stay aligned with your true path.

How to Connect More Deeply with Your Guardian Angels

Curious about your guardian angel’s name or why they are helping you? You can ask! I have a powerful meditation designed to help you connect more deeply with your angels and discover who they are. Download it [here].

Your angels may also answer you through dreams, intuitive signs, or even psychic readings. Learn more about how to recognize these messages Click Here.

To dive deeper into angel communication, consider joining one of my upcoming classes or my Angel Communication Practitioner Program. You’ll learn how to receive clear guidance from your angels and understand the signs they send you.

About Rachel Scoltock
Rachel Scoltock is an angel medium with over two decades of experience. Through her teachings, books, and healing sessions, she has helped countless lightworkers connect with their angels and find their true purpose. Learn more about Rachel’s journey and how you can work with her [here].

Here are 4 ways you can connect with your angels

1- Download my Meet Your Guardian Angels Meditation here

2- Connect with your angels, find out who is with you, develop your psychic and intuitive abilities and discover your purpose- at the Angel Communication Practitioner Certification Find out more

3- Activate Your Energy, Attune with your Angels, and deepen your connection and intuitive gifts at the monthly Online Angel Attunement Sessions

4-Read Rachel’s Books My Life with Angels to learn her story and learn about how to connect with the angels

5- Download the Video Class :Meet Your Angelic Team

You can get in touch with Rachel directly here


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