The Guardian Angels and All They Do For Us

Angel, Angel messages, Angels

Do you wonder about your Guardian Angels, who they are, and how they help  you?

This article is to celebrate the Guardian Angels and all that they do for us.

Everyone has guardian angels, no matter what their beliefs, denomination, or country of origin. You don’t need to do anything to earn your angels’ presence or assistance, nor will they ever leave you if you ignore them or refuse to follow their guidance!

Angels love you unconditionally and will stay with you guiding, protecting, and healing. They’re loving guides direct from the Divine/God/ The Source. They have no judgment towards you and your earthly choices because unlike humans, they have no ego!

Angels have watched over humanity since the beginning of time before any spiritual texts or religions claimed them as their own.

The word angel means – messenger of the Divine. They are Heavenly beings who represent the Divine. They carry your prayers to Heaven and they bring you Divine guidance and assistance in response.

“Angel” is the name we give them but other cultures and languages use other names such as divas, creator spirits, ancestors, guides, and other terms relating to winged beings of light who are here to assist humanity.

These Celestial loving beings of light watch over us, teach us important wisdom, and guide us on our paths. They make sure that you stay true to your soul, and gently attempt to steer you back if you wander off your true path.

Your guardian angels are yours and yours alone. You have at least two guardian angels who are with you right now. Your guardian angels send you white feathers and other signs in the physical world to let you know they are with you.

Your angels know you better than anyone, because they know you at a soul level. They’ve been by your side since before you were born and will stay with you beyond the time when you leave your earthly body.

Your Guardian Angels are part of your soul. Because of this they’re the best guide to tune into when you feel stuck, or need to understand your current life lesson, or you’re making a big life changing decision.

They’re also wonderful to call upon for those smaller life situations such as finding a car parking space, getting to an appointment on time, or finding that perfect gift for a friend.

Just ask “Angels please help me!” and tell them what you’d like help with!

You don’t need to feel guilty when asking your angels for help. They love to help you. As long as your requests are genuine, sincere, and ultimately bring peace and healing to you or another. You can’t ask for help harming anyone, including yourself. Angels  aren’t genies answering to your ego’s petty desires! They’re celestial helpers who want you to fulfil your purpose and walk your path in a way that brings peace to you and others.

Your angels aren’t trying to control you. You always have the Free Will choice in every part of your life. That includes following your angels guidance or not!

The Law of Free Will means that you must ask your angels for their intervention. This  spiritual law means that your angels cannot intervene in your life unless asked, unless it’s a life and death situation before your time and they’re guided by God to save you.

This is why the angels first intervened in my life many years ago. A voice told me to stop my car minutes before a multiple car accident occurred on the road I was driving on.  That voice belonged to Archangel Michael.

You can ask your angels for help, aloud, or in writing, or you can use your mind to request their assistance.

You can make a casual request such as “Angels please help me!” Or you can say a more formal prayer, write a letter or pour out your heart in a conversation or journal. It’s important to be grateful, humble and respectful when asking the angels for help but there is nothing wrong with calling out for them when you feel vulnerable or stuck!

You can request to know more about your guardian angel, such as their name and why they’re helping you. I have a powerful meditation to help you to do just that. You can download it here. Your angel may answer your requests by entering your dreams, sending a message through a  psychic reading, or through intuitive signs and messages read more here.

You can learn how to communicate with your angels and discover which angels are with you at one of my upcoming classes or at my angel communication practitioner program

About Rachel Scoltock:

Rachel Scoltock is a leading angel medium with 2 decades of experience, dedicated to helping people connect with angels and transform their lives. Through her teachings, books, and energetic healing sessions, Rachel has guided countless Lightworkers on their path to fulfilling their purpose. Learn more about her journey and how to work with her here

Here are 4 ways you can connect with your angels

1- Download my Meet Your Guardian Angels Meditation here

2- Connect with your angels, find out who is with you, develop your psychic and intuitive abilities and discover your purpose- at the Angel Communication Practitioner Certification Find out more

3- Activate Your Energy, Attune with the Angels, and deepen your wisdom and intuitive gifts at the Online Angel Attunement Sessions

4-Read Rachel’s Books My Life with Angels to learn her story and learn about how to connect with the angels

5- Download the Video Class :Meet Your Angelic Team

You can get in touch with Rachel directly here


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